Arbejde System Developer Syddanmark SOLAR A/S - jobtilbud
We’re looking for a sure-I-can-optimise-that-for-you System Developer Is there a System Developer hiding in you? Would you like to leave your mark on the software solutions of an international organisation? Are you motivated by making a difference in a high performing team of developers? At Solar, we are looking to expand our IT department with another passionate System Developer. If this sounds like you, we would be happy to welcome you to the land of can-do people. Respect and professionalism are the main ingredients in our way of working, which is probably the reason why we’re not easy to leave. What will you be doing, you ask? You will be part of a strong group IT organisation of 110 employees and belong to the BUILD department. We are passionate about designing and developing optimal system solutions and we focus on delivering user-friendly software to support our business. Are you up for the challenge when time is of the essence? You will be responsible for developing and improving new and existing systems used by your colleagues in all parts of the Solar organisation which consists of several subsidiaries in Northern Europe. Your main programming language will be C# and you should have extensive knowledge about T-SQL. When you hear acronyms like WPF, MVVM, MVC, WCF, XML, JSON, LINQ, SSIS and EF you know what we are talking about. What we wish to see in you You have a relevant education within system development or information technology and you have a special interest in databases and data structure. Furthermore, you are familiar with system architecture and are skilled in translating business requirements into optimal system solutions for the user. As a person, you are very organised and will have no problem handling and following up on system documentation. We expect you to be a team player, able to work independently, skilled in English and have a structured approach to your tasks. If you are able to work under pressure, then you might be the right person for Solar. You will be situated at Solar’s headquarters in Vejen, Denmark, or at our office in Kristiansand, Norway, and will report to Lise-Lotte Mortensen. Some travelling activities will be required in this position. Application If this sounds like a job for you please email your CV and application to hrm (at) no later than 27 November. Please write “System Developer” in the subject field. At Solar, ambition fuels our passion for excellence. Good is never good enough. We believe in continuous progress and in having the guts to ask the right questions and challenge the standards. Things can always get better if you want them to. Together, we’re one of Northern Europe’s leading sourcing and services companies, marketing 215,000 products but selling only one-of-a-kind solutions. Right now, we need more people to improve on our DKK 10,252m 2014 revenue. If you are the kind of person who gives customers what they need rather than just what they ask for, you can join us at
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SOLAR A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 76304200
Sådan ansøger: hrm (at)
Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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