Arbejde Offshore Mechanical Completion and Maintenance Engineer Syddanmark RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S, Esbjerg - jobtilbud

Offshore Mechanical Completion and Maintenance Engineer

Are you an expert in mechanical completion? Would you like to provide major oil and gas companies with professional consulting? And have a unique opportunity to develop your competencies within offshore equipment – both onshore and offshore? Apply your technical knowledge in complete link projects In project teams of 4-6 members you work on various projects for our clients, and key tasks include planning/closeout of repairs, modifications and maintenance on onshore and offshore platforms. You ensure that our partners are involved in the process and thus, you have an ongoing and close contact with clients. Furthermore, you: •Ensure all documentation is in order and updated and that all certifications are in order for 3rd party approval •Assist clients with quality control of construction activities on offshore construction jobs, where you ensure all practicalities •Support our pressure inspection people together with the client, who set up the programme, to ensure continued approval from authorities •Either have, or have the health to obtain, the necessary offshore certificate(s) Due to the nature of this job, you should also expect to be travelling quite a bit, in average probably 1-2 weeks per month. You deliver high quality within budget, thus exceeding client’s expectations To succeed in this position, you apply your systematic and analytical competencies to look beyond the obvious solution and create outstanding results. Your emphatic skills show, as you network and develop relations with key stakeholders. And you thrive in an environment, where you are trusted with responsibility and expected to meet your timelines and responsibilities on time and according to agreed budgets. Your professional skills are of the highest standard, which you have demonstrated at your previous position. More specifically, you have: •A B.Sc. within Mechanical, Marine or Electrical Engineering or similar •Min. 4 years of experience from maintenance, quality control or offshore construction, which has given you an extensive technical knowledge •Good knowledge of offshore design and the demands for offshore design standards •Solid experience with SAP, Excel and Word, which will be your main tools •Strong oral and written skills in English and Danish Your new colleagues In the Maintenance Management Department we work closely with our clients, as we implement strategic asset management, develop maintenance improvement programmes and provide courses within maintenance and production optimisation. Improving availability and efficiency is an integrated part of our success. With your skills and expertise, we increase our competence pallet within maintenance and take on the discipline of mechanical completion and maintenance engineering. We want to be the complete link between the designers onshore and the operators offshore. Ramboll offer An exciting and challenging job in a dynamic and international environment with a pleasant working climate and highly skilled colleagues. We are focused on knowledge sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geography and enjoy an informal tone. Ramboll invest a lot in development of people and offer career paths tailored for each individual. Interested? If you are interested in applying, please send your mail through our online recruitment system by clicking the link to apply. Please send your application no later than 17th August. Deadline 17 August Workplace Esbjerg Apply for job online : Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company constantly striving to achieve inspiring and exacting solutions that make a genuine difference to our customers, the end-users and society as a whole. We acknowledge that our solutions depend on the creativity, insight and integrity of our employees. Therefore, we empower the people within our organisation, welcome their individual differences and enable them to work

Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S, Esbjerg

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79137100

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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