Arbejde Geoscience Senior Project Lead for offshore wind farms Syddanmark DONG ENERGY A/S - jobtilbud
Geoscience Senior Project Lead for offshore wind farms
Would you like to use your expertise as a project manager by leading large and complex geophysical and geotechnical surveys? Join us and become our Senior Project Lead for offshore geophysical and geotechnical surveys in our department Geosciences. You will be part of a group of 5 senior project leads in the department and have 25 committed colleagues with backgrounds as geophysicists, geologists and geotechnical engineers. In the department, we focus on a high professional level when conducting geo-surveys and developing test and design methods. Moreover, we focus on research and participate in several research projects within the field. The department is part of Wind Power, which is a large business unit in DONG Energy and has 1300 employees. We are the world's largest developer of offshore wind energy, and the development of our solutions is based on a solid in-house know-how within all aspects of offshore wind power technology. Our project portfolio comprises several major offshore wind projects in Northern Europe, and we have an ambitions strategy for further international growth in the coming years. You may choose freely to be based either at our office in Skærbæk near Fredericia or in Gentofte. You should, however, expect some travelling to our locations both in Denmark and abroad in relation to your work. Areas of responsibility You will have the daily responsibility for managing multi-million euro geophysical and geotechnical surveys, from preparing tender documents to contract negotiations, risk management and internal project management. Additionally, in cooperation with our geotechnical engineers, you will ensure that the design basis of our offshore wind farms is of high quality. Your key duties will be to: manage Geosciences’ deliverables plan surveys perform tendering handle contracts be responsible for project management when we perform the surveys. In connection with the execution of projects, it will be your responsibility to provide a successful and effective dialogue with your colleagues and the business partners outside the organisation, including contractors and colleagues within the QHSE function. Your profile You will have a relevant engineering degree and solid experience with project management from large, complex projects. It will be an advantage if you have experience from a position where you have gained knowledge of offshore geotechnics. However, offshore experience is not required. As we are an international company and cooperate closely with our colleagues abroad, you should have excellent communication skills and speak and write English fluently. As a person, you are motivated by professional challenges, and you will enjoy working with short decision paths and with the opportunity to contribute with your expertise. You will be prepared to share your knowledge with colleagues and finally, you will be able to drive your own tasks forward while collaborating closely with colleagues, stakeholders and other partners. We offer An exciting job in one of the leading companies in Europe with more than 30 years’ experience in wind power. You will have the opportunity to follow a project from idea to operation and accordingly, strengthen your project management competences as well as utilise your expertise to influence the projects. Together with your colleagues, you will contribute actively to an ambitious strategy for international growth and continuous development of CO2-free energy solutions. Wind farm construction includes various professional fields and is far from any routine job. You will enjoy attractive terms of employment, a salary which matches your qualifications, an informal working environment and excellent educational opportunities. We have an active employee policy, which supports your career throughout the various phases of your working life. Apply: We look forward to receiving your application,
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DONG ENERGY A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99551111
Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for geologi og geofysik
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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