Arbejde Student Assistant – International Centre unspecified Teknologisk Institut - jobtilbud

id: NDk3NjUyOCA3

reference: 4976528

documentId: 4976528

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1555417818320

stillingsbetegnelse: Student Assistant – International Centre


The International Centre at the Danish Technological Institute is seeking two student assistants to help us develop our portfolio of European projects.   

The International Centre works with the whole of the Institute to prepare applications for European funding, especially under the Horizon 2020 programme. We prepare applications in many areas including:   

  • Energy & climate       
  • Construction
  • Bio-based economy and food
  • Materials and production  

We also manage the institute’s participation in key international networks and host visiting international delegations.   

As part of our team your tasks would primarily be to assist in supporting proposal preparation, maintenance of our database, contribution to the development of in-house tools for proposal preparation and helping with arrangements for visiting delegations.   

The ideal candidate will:  

  • Be studying or about to study for a Masters in any field with at least 18-24 months of full time studies remaining. 
  • Have excellent reading/writing/speaking skills English.
  • Be proficient in MS Office, ideally, including Access. 

Additional experience with any EU funding programmes will be regarded highly. We also welcome applications from students who have experience in representing complex ideas using graphics. Speaking Danish is not mandatory.   You will be working in an international team which welcomes initiative and responsibility. You should be able to manage and prioritise your own time  We expect you to work between 15 and 20 hours per week. However, you will have some freedom in selecting your work schedule.  We expect you to start as soon as possible, but no later than mid-June, 2019. The deadline for applications is April 29, 2019. One student will be appointed in each of the Institute locations in Aarhus and Taastrup.   

If you have any questions relating to the job you are welcome to contact Marianne Jessing on tel.: +4572202087. 

Ansøgningsfrist: 4/29/2019 
Arbejdssted: Taastrup or Aarhus 

numberOfPosts: 2


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Teknologisk Institut

source: DK-STAR


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