Arbejde Biostatisticians unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk3NTgyNiA3

reference: 4975826

documentId: 4975826

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1555331435850

stillingsbetegnelse: Biostatisticians


Do you want a broad and exciting responsibility in a skilled and friendly team? 

Do you have a theoretical statistical background and some years’ experience within medical research? Are you at the same time looking for a job where you can unfold your skills across multiple aspects in ground breaking R&D projects? If so, we have just the perfect match for you.

LEO Pharma has set the ambitious goal to become the world dermatology leader. We want to offer the most diverse range of treatment solutions. As Biostatistician you will become key player in making our vision come true.

Statistician for our clinical trials

Your overall objective is to support clinical development projects with vital statistical input to individual clinical trials. You can look forward to share knowledge and collaborate with other Statisticians, Statistical Programmers, Medical Writers, and Data Managers within Biometrics as well as many other highly skilled experts.

Your primary tasks will be to:

  • Provide statistical input to clinical trial protocols including design, sample size, power calculations and statistical methodology
  • Analyze clinical trial data and provide input to clinical trial reports related to the development of new medicines
  • Deliver statistical input to publications of clinical trial data
  • Collaborate with Contract Research Organizations, CROs
  • Provide statistical advice to other scientists within R&D and perform analyses of experimental non-clinical data

Additionally, you will get the opportunity to impact our efforts to continuously improve the department’s procedures and optimization of best practices.

Statistician with experience within medical research

You have a solid theoretical statistical background e.g. M.Sc. or PhD in statistics. This is preferably backed by +2 years’ experience within medical research and a professional interest in applied statistics.

Your success will to a wide extent be founded within your ability to create results via collaboration with many different people across multiple areas of expertise. This takes an open-minded and positive approach as well as respect and curiosity.

Additionally, you must be able to explain your results, conclusions and recommendations in a way that is understandable to people without your personal expertise, in written and spoken English.

The Biostatistics department – your new team

You will join a team of 25 biostatisticians at the LEO Pharma headquarters in Ballerup, Greater Copenhagen. You can look forward to joining a team that is very well functioning. We work in a good and informal atmosphere characterized by helpfulness and a common drive for breaking new land.

For more information please contact Biostatistics Managers; Mette Bech Milsgaard +45 2566 4128 or Mikala Fiig Jarner + 45 4019 8086

Deadline for application: April 28th, 2019

We look forward to receiving your application.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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