Arbejde Risk and Compliance Manager unspecified NETS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4877738
documentId: 4877738
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536743885876
stillingsbetegnelse: Risk and Compliance Manager
Do you want to be part of the NemID and BankID teams and continuing to keep the two products secure?
We are looking for a Risk Manager to advise us on all types of risks (business, financial, legal, it and security.) You will identify potential threats and create plans to prevent and mitigate problems. You will also be working with all aspects of information security (technology, people and processes) around the NemID and BankID products.
Want to be our new colleague and fill in an important role?
Nets are having one of the Nordic region's largest IT security setups. Many skilled Nets employees work every day in this IT security environment, and use modern techniques, know-how and processes to comply with requirements, rules, laws, threats and policies. Thus users, customers and citizens can use systems and be safe - constantly.
One of these departments, eSecurity, is handling NemID (DK) and BankID (N). This is a common secure login on the Internet, whether you are doing your online banking, finding out information from the public authorities or engaging with one of the many businesses that use NemID or BankID. NemID and BankID is the same login everywhere.
Nets provide the technology ecosystem for NemID in Denmark, on behalf of Danish Agency of Digitisation, and in Norway on behalf of Finance Norway. The eSecurity unit at Nets are in search of a Risk Manager for NemID and BankID.
In this role, you should be highly perceptive and methodical. You should also have the ability to communicate effectively and present your plans in a convincing way. If you have experience in risk assessment, it security, or it risks, we’d like to meet you.
Your key responsibilities in this role will be:
- Conduct assessments to define and analyse possible risks
- Evaluate the criticality of each risk by considering its consequences
- Audit processes and procedures ie. Security Compliance Reviews
- Develop risk management controls and systems
- Design processes to eliminate or mitigate potential risks
- Create contingency plans to manage crises
- Evaluate existing policies and procedures to find weaknesses
- Prepare reports and present recommendations
- Help implement solutions and plans
- Evaluate employees’ risk and security awareness and train them when necessary
- Contribute to the development and maintaining the BankID and NemID Information Security Measurement Program, which will initiate and drive compliance reviews
- Contribute to maintaining and operating the BankID and NemID Information Security Management System (ISMS)
We are looking for talents with ambitions – and passion for what they are doing!
We believe that your background and professional acumen forms most of your qualifications to succeed in this role. It is also important to us that you are passionate of what you are doing in your daily work and that you take the responsibility of driving things forward to develop both business and your-self.
Domicile is in Ballerup, Copenhagen. Nordic travel activity should be expected, in total approx. 20 days per year.
Your professional qualifications and background should include:
- Knowledge of risk assessment and controls
- Knowledge of IT practices: project management, security, continuity and production
- Familiar with process analysis and improvement, drafting of workflows and procedures
- Knowledge of PKI solutions will be considered as a plus
- Large and complex IT security project experience will also be considered as a plus.
- Are familiar with ISO27001 and 27002
- Are familiar with 27005, ISO31000 or equivalent
- Relevant higher education e.g. Master in Business Administration and Information Systems, Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Science in Computer Science, etc. but relevant experience could compensate for this
Of your personal qualifications we would value:
- Highly perceptive and methodical
- Ability to gain complex knowledge and utilize it on new technologies and solutions, emerging threats and vulnerabilities
- Analytical mind with problem-solving aptitude
- Good communication and presentation skills
- Ability to manage several initiatives/projects and keep these on-track simultaneously
- Ability to effectively manage your own time and the priorities
- Good interpersonal skills
You must have a clear criminal record and must be able to obtain security clearance at the level “Secret”.
Your career driven by curiosity and customer insights
At Nets, we are working towards realising a one-company approach to development, innovation and doing business, where you’ll be encouraged to think across borders and business areas to find new ways of merging our products, new technologies and market trends into innovative new solutions.
We want to attract, develop and engage the best talents and you will be working with colleagues across the Nordics. Whether it is innovation or operation that makes you tick, our company structure allows you to build your own career and grow in a business that encompasses all aspects of the digital payment value chain. We work in a thriving environment characterized by team play and informality and with plenty of social activities within sports, culture and social network.
Please send your application right now and at the latest at 30.09.2018
If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity please contact Suzette Wagner, swagn (at), +45 29482472
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS Denmark A/S
source: DK-STAR
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