Arbejde Manager for HV/MV Components and SCADA Contract Management Syddanmark DONG ENERGY A/S - jobtilbud

Manager for HV/MV Components and SCADA Contract Management

Would you like to help carry out some of the world's largest offshore wind projects? Join us and become Manager in HV/MV Components and SCADA Contract Management, which is responsible for procurement and contract management of HV/MV Components and SCADA Contracts for our Offshore Wind Farm projects. The department is part of Wind Power, which has 1400 employees and is one of four business units in DONG Energy. Wind Power is the world’s largest developer and operator of offshore wind power, and we use our unique knowledge in all phases of our wind turbine projects. During the last 20 years, we have developed and constructed the largest portfolio of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe. You will be based in one of our Danish offices in either Skærbæk near Fredericia or Gentofte in the Greater Copenhagen area. The colleagues in the team are based in Gentofte and Skærbæk, and some travelling in Northern Europe in relation to your work must be expected. Areas of responsibility As Department manager, you are overall responsible for developing and leading the HV/MV Components and SCADA Contract Management department. Furthermore, you are responsible for ensuring that procurement and execution of contracts within our large scale international wind farm projects is undertaken professionally and supports our strategic targets to drive down cost of electricity and improve safety and quality. Moreover, you are responsible for the people development of the 10 employees in the department and for the planning, prioritisation and delegation of new assignments and projects. You conduct department meetings and 1:1 meetings with your employees as well as lead and engage current and new employees in the department. You report to the head of Electrical Systems Contract Management, which also includes procurement and contract management of cable and cable installation contracts. Furthermore, your key duties responsibilities will be to: ensure a strong collaboration in the department and coordinate activities to ensure knowledge sharing and synergies across the organisation and across projects ensure sufficient QA of work carried out by your department including incorporation of lessons learned and best practices, commercial development to realise DONG Wind Power strategic targets as well as commercial sign-off on concept, solution, specification, and contracts, respectively steer and guide commercial sub-teams ensure required procurement resources are available for projects and product line and manage business relationships with internal and external key stakeholders ensure continuous improvements including feedback from the execution of contracts into the procurement processes undertaken within the Components and SCADA module group. Your profile You have a relevant master's or bachelor degree within engineering, law or a commercial field and solid management experience. Moreover, you have extensive relevant experience with procurement and contract management, preferably within international energy, process or construction projects. As you will be handling many international stakeholders, it is essential that you have strong negotiation and communication skills, enabling you to convey your message in a concise and efficient manner. In addition, you have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to manoeuvre in a matrix organisation with many organisational levels.Since we operate in an international environment, it is important that you speak and write English fluently. You have a proactive approach to problem solving, and you are able to create consensus on a common objective. Additionally, you are inspired by motivating and coaching a group of skilled employees, and you support a great team spirit and collaboration in the department. We offer A unique and challenging job where you have every opportunity to develop your skills, when you help carry out some of the world's largest offshore wind projects. In DONG Energy

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DONG ENERGY A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99551111

Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for samfundsøkonomi

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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