Arbejde Compliance Manager unspecified NETS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4911381
documentId: 4911381
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1543406770086
stillingsbetegnelse: Compliance Manager
In Financial and Network Services we want to create seamless customer experiences and strengthen our position as an industry leader within payments. This by building a strong commercial product propositions and at the same time simplify our platforms and processes while always delivering unrivalled security and stability.
For our compliance team we are looking for a Compliance Manager to ensure compliance on all our services and delivering processes according to rules and requirements from International- and Domestic Card Schemes. Part of the responsibility is also to identify, analyse and make recommendations on business opportunities occurred from changes from the Card Schemes. You will participate in internal and external compliance forum where you ensure that both our business people as well as our customers are UpToDate on all changes that can have an impact or require changes. It is an area with lots of interesting and challenging tasks and with lots of opportunities to influence and drive new initiatives across the organisation.
Want to be our new colleague and fill in an important role?
You will be part of a dynamic organization where we are focusing on optimizing our services, processes and platforms, improve the customer satisfaction and fulfil Financial and Network Services ambitions for the coming years.
Your key responsibilities in this role will be:
- Ensure close monitoring of and follow-up on new compliance mandates
- Ensure that our customers are fully updated regarding changes that effect their business or the technical interface between them and Nets.
- Assesses new business and technical requirements from card organisations and ensure all changes is implemented within the given deadlines
- Consider new business recommendation from Card Schemes and ensure acceptance in cooperation with Product Development Management for proposed actions and/or development
- Inform all relevant stakeholders - internal as well as external - about new business and technical requirements from the Card Schemes
- Responsible for internal security and compliance relating to Payment
- Participate in meetings with Card Schemes
- Ensure proper reporting and documentation, internal and to the Card Schemes organizations
- Support for Sales and Product Development regarding compliance issues – internal or from the customers like review of agreements, service abstractJV_descriptions or compliance support
- Close cooperation with client management (pricing of compliance services, distribution of relevant information to customers)
- Customer consulting on compliance
We are looking for talents with ambitions – and passion for what they are doing!
We believe that your background and professional acumen forms most of your qualifications to succeed in this role. It is also important to us that you are passionate of what you are doing in your daily work and that you take the responsibility of driving things forward to develop both business and your-self.
Your professional qualifications and background should include:
- You have knowledge in the payment industry
- Technical abilities regarding understanding IT systems and processes
- Ability to ensure cooperation between different stakeholders
- Knowledgeable of the various Card Schemes (Like Visa, MasterCard, Amex, JCB, CUP)
- Customer oriented
- Excellent communication skills
- English at negotiation level – in writing and verbal
Of your personal qualifications we would value:
- You have a positive outgoing personality with solid communication skills
- You constantly look for ways to improve both individually as well as a team
- You can develop networks and relations to key internal- and external stakeholders
- You are structures, can deliver and meet deadline
- You are analytical and have requirement handling skills
- You can have a holistic mindset - cross countries and business units
- You will live the Nets Values ACT; Accountable, Customer Driven and Together
Your career driven by curiosity and customer insights
At Nets, we are working towards realising a one-company approach to development, innovation and doing business, where you’ll be encouraged to think across borders and business areas to find new ways of merging our products, new technologies and market trends into innovative new solutions.
We want to attract, develop and engage the best talents and you will be working with colleagues across the Nordics. Whether it is innovation or operation that makes you tick, our company structure allows you to build your own career and grow in a business that encompasses all aspects of the digital payment value chain. We work in a thriving environment characterized by team play and informality and with plenty of social activities within sports, culture and social network.
Please send your application right now and at the latest at 12.12.2018
If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity please contact Louise Gjelstrup, +45 2948 2437, lgjel (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS Denmark A/S
source: DK-STAR
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