Arbejde Senior Manager, Strategy Partner for Chief Operation Officer unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4891849
documentId: 4891849
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539577684720
Senior Manager, Strategy Partner for Chief Operation Officer
Use your experience from a top-tier management consultant company or international company in a challenging and highly visible position in the LEGO Group.
Here, you will gain unique experience as you get an insight into our top management and influence strategic decision-making.
Support the Chief Operation Officer (COO)
You will join our Strategy & Transformation department, known as the strategy and transformation power house of the LEGO Group. Here, you will collaborate with our COO and members of the Executive Leadership Team, on their agenda but also drive and support strategic projects across the business.
Reporting directly to the Head of Strategy & Transformation, you will be a strategic advisor to the Executive Leadership team members and their leadership teams, supporting them in shaping and delivering their holistic agenda. You will drive and implement strategic, organizational or operational projects and tasks, plus solve ad hoc analytical assignments, including analyzing data, preparing presentations and decision documents. Supporting the COO, you will also be responsible for overseeing the Board of Directors cadence, working with colleagues across the organization to prepare documents and presentations.
The positions will be based in Billund, Denmark.
Trusted to perform
At the LEGO Group, we are on a mission to reach millions of children globally with LEGO® experiences. With your skills and commitment, you will help realize this goal. We will in turn be dedicated to your professional and personal development, helping you realize your personal ambitions as well.
You will join a department and a team that values authentic relationships, and you will be working among colleagues who are committed and caring in their work.
Academic excellence and experience from a top-tier consultancy
First and foremost, you have a strategic mind-set and know how to navigate in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. Your business acumen and well-developed interpersonal skills enable you to form strong working relationships across all levels and disciplines in the organization. Moreover, you:
• Hold an MBA or a master´s degree in marketing, finance, economics or similar with excellent results.
• 3+ years’ experience from a top-tier management consulting company or international company
• 3+ years of Supply Chain or Operations experience
• Have top-notch quantitative and analytical skills that allow you to extract logic, insights and meaningful conclusions from complex business problems
• Excellent communication skills, allowing you to structure documents and quantitative analysis as well as PowerPoint presentations for executive level communication
Bringing it to life
This position is a great career catalyst with unique learning opportunities for rapid professional and personal growth. Working in close proximity to management, you will build a good understanding of the company´s strategic priorities and decision-making processes, says Vice President of Strategy & Transformation, Christian Pau.
How to apply
We look forward to receiving your application. Please remember to attach your cover letter and a current CV in English. If you would like to know more about the position, please call Christian Pau, +45 52211971.
Deadline for application is 25-10-2018 (two weeks). Right after this date we will take candidates into the recruitment process.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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