Arbejde Supply Chain Finance Controller, Costing and Processes - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud
reference: 4913394
documentId: 4913394
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1543841165160
Supply Chain Finance Controller, Costing and Processes - Aarhus
Would you like to work with product cost in a large, international organisation where you can influence your work day, seek out tasks that match your qualifications and ambitions, and help us streamline the way we do supply chain costing?
This is an exciting time to join Arla, as we are on a transformation journey, which you can be a part of. As our new finance controller, you will join the Costing and Processes team in Supply Chain Finance, who are responsible for managing the product cost principles and procedures.
About the job
Based in our Aarhus headquarters, you collaborate closely with the team to ensure high quality in our costing solutions and:
- Implement new initiatives to support our product cost solution
- ensure compliance with the current costing guidelines
- support the controlling teams with guidance on our costing solutions
- develop, create and maintain business templates and reports that will improve processes and quality across the Arla Group
- analyse large amount of data to support quality in our costing solution
Working with optimisation and standardisation projects, you will enjoy having a broad network across Arla Foods. Finally, you can look forward to 25 travelling days a year in Northern Europe, primarily in Denmark, Germany, the UK, Sweden and the Netherlands.
Ambitious and proactive
You are ambitious, engaged and a good team player, who takes responsibility for assignments and are able to work independently. You know how to relate to different people and see it as a natural part of your job to be proactive. Using your strong analytical skills, you can transform large amounts of data into understandable reports and draw conclusions.
- You hold a master’s degree in economics, finance or similar.
- You have controlling experience, preferably from a supply chain area or you might be newly educated, but eager to learn and add to your professional skills.
- Experience with product cost and SAP in a manufacturing company is a definite advantage.
- You master Excel
- You speak and write English fluently.
If you want to seize this exciting opportunity, please apply as soon as possible. We process applications on a continuous basis and close the job opening once the right candidate has been found.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA
source: DK-STAR
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