Arbejde SEO Manager unspecified BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNDIzNiA3

reference: 4904236

documentId: 4904236

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542027665340

stillingsbetegnelse: SEO Manager


We are looking for a SEO Manager to contribute to the success of our top performing sports betting websites. Are you a sports enthusiast with a creative mind and passionate about SEO and internet marketing? Then you might have found the right position to work with what you are passionate about!

Better Collective is an international award-winning affiliate company working to give punters and players a better and more secure igaming experience. We are producing outstanding sports betting content and igaming products that go far beyond the usual standard.



As our SEO Manager in the Commercial Sites team your key objective will be to develop and execute successful SEO strategies. You will become part of an international, highly skilled and dedicated team working on several language markets trying to cater various user groups in the broad field of sports betting and igaming.



  • develop and execute successful SEO strategies, based on performance analysis via Technical (markup, website structure etc.), Product (crawl, internal linking etc.) & Editorial (thematic, keywords etc.) research.
  • monitor and analyze various KPIs i.e. rankings, ROI etc.
  • competitive audits of different markets: 20 countries, 8 languages (FR, UK, IT, ES, PT, etc.)
  • research, design and implement Netlinking strategy
  • travel regularly to our Paris office for SEO workshops


  • 3+ years of experience in digital marketing and organic search optimization projects
  • in-depth experience with website analytics tools (Google Analytics, Search Console,…)
  • knowledge of ranking factors and search engine algorithms
  • good level of English (you will work with an international team)
  • passion for SEO and internet marketing
  • enjoys working in a deadline driven atmosphere



We look forward to hearing from you and accept applications until 30th November 2018. We will process your application quickly and give callbacks continuously until we find the perfect candidate.

Expected start date: as soon as possible.

Only applications submitted through our “Apply Now”-button will be reviewed.



If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to write to the Commercial Sites Team Lead - Daniel Grant at dmg (at)



Better Collective is an international growth company working to give players a better and more secure iGaming experience. Through our products, we will create a more transparent and honest business. Our ambition is that quality and innovation must also apply to the iGaming industry and we are determined to set new standards and to take the lead in the market. We are a dynamic, energetic and diverse workplace encouraging an open and informal tone, strong unity and high ambitions.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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