Arbejde Senior Buyer E-commerce unspecified BESTSELLER A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4894439
documentId: 4894439
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1540202966286
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Buyer E-commerce
Are you passionate about both womenswear and E-Commerce? Do you have experience with buying combined with strong opinions about how your products should be merchandised and marketed onsite?
Then join us in building the next level of E-Commerce for
The department
As the new E-commerce Senior Buyer for SELECTED FEMME, you join SELECTED's E-Commerce department, which is currently expanding in order to be able to support our vision of strengthening the SELECTED brand online. You will have 8 colleagues who focus all their efforts on maximizing the turnover and optimizing the visual expression at Therefore, we have a close collaboration with our Marketing department as well as BESTSELLER's central E-Commerce organisation in Amsterdam.
We share a passion for our brand, and you will experience an action-driven team atmosphere, where we keep our eyes on the big picture while applying our specialized knowledge to the details.
Your role
Your primary responsibility is to buy for SELECTED FEMME and keep track on stock and the product health. You drive the sales strategies and collaborate with our Marketing team in relation to merchandising and marketing your products.
More specifically, your work includes:
- Performing the buy
- Controlling stock and forecasts
- Collaborate on and conceptualise new sales strategies with our Marketing team.
- Experienced with womenswear buying for e-commerce
- Strong opinions and a clear vision of how products should be merchandised on-site
- Fluent English, written and spoken.
You are outgoing, proactive and take a structured and analytical approach to your work, while never losing sight of the bigger picture. You are a skilled communicator on several levels, and you communicate in a clear and understandable manner with the receiver in mind, ensuring that you build trust in your solutions and strategies.
You are goal-oriented and always strive to deliver the best possible result in collaboration with your colleagues. You are a team player and highly motivated by seeing the impact of your own as well as the team's efforts.
We look forward to hearing from you
If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact E-Commerce Manager Benjamin Nassler +45 99 42 16 44. Otherwise, send your CV and application as soon as possible and no later than 2 November 2018. We handle applications on an ongoing basis and reserve the right to take down the advertisement, when we find the right candidate.
Based in Denmark, SELECTED is a Nordic unisex brand rooted in a contemporary design aesthetic. Being a fashion company, we are always on the lookout for the new and inspired by the latest trends. We take great pride in our ability to select only the best fabrics and design on-trend collections for our fashion-savvy and quality-conscious consumers to enjoy. We are currently established in 25 markets worldwide, with over 3.000 dealers in attractive locations. As of today, we have more than 50 retail stores spread across five key European markets.
SELECTED is part of the worldwide fashion company BESTSELLER. For more information, please go to or
We're social, let's talk
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BESTSELLER A/S
source: DK-STAR
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