Arbejde Senior Manager for New Business Development, Bagsvaerd, Denmark unspecified NOVOZYMES A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5Mjc4OCA3

reference: 4892788

documentId: 4892788

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539683672380

Senior Manager for New Business Development, Bagsvaerd, Denmark


Pioneer a brighter future
At Novozymes, we work in close partnership with our customers and the global community to make a sustainable impact. We use science to advance industries, and as part of Research, Innovation and Supply, you will produce and deliver the biological solutions that boost our customers’ business and pave the way for a brighter future.

Sr. Manager – New Business Development, Business Incubation & Acquisitions, Bagsvaerd

We are looking for an experienced and ambitious technopreneur in our Scouting & Exploration team who will work across many key areas and explore, evaluate, and execute new business opportunities in the biotechnological application space. B2B sales, marketing and strategic analysis are important aspects of the position, along with exceptional negotiation skills and the ability to close deals. Also, the element of “co-creation with partners” is a critical success factor in this role.

In this position, you will identify and create strong internal buy-in for exciting new growth areas Novozymes should pursue, and you will execute on these opportunities undertaking early stage business-building and maturation activities.

Your main tasks will be

  • Explore new business opportunities for existing NZ technologies and / or identify gaps in markets that could be filled in with biotechnological solutions in scope of NZ technology development (Enzymes and Microbes),
  • Understand the target markets, including industry, competition and key drivers
  • Negotiate and secure key partnerships in priority areas, AND help structure and manage Novozymes’ collaborations with these partners,
  • Deliver successful MVPs (minimum viable products) to validate new concepts,
  • Build business case, present to internal and external stakeholders, get agreement on KPIs, plan budgets and take full responsibility of execution to achieve agreed milestones
  • Work closely with Novozymes’ Research & Technology (R&T) organization

Note: The position is in Bagsvaerd near Copenhagen - Denmark. The job role requires up to 20% travel per year.

In this position, you need to have: 

  • Masters’ or PhD in biological science or related field, including some hands-on R&D experience (in the lab, pilot plant or manufacturing site)
  • 7-8 years of work-ex in relevant industries including, but not limited to, Food and beverage, healthcare (non Rx), cosmetics, agriculture, environmental solutions, green materials, etc.
  • 2-3 years’ work experience in a strategy consulting firm is an advantage
  • Very strong interpersonal skills and ability to communicate across diverse stakeholder groups
  • Excellent verbal and written English. Knowledge of other EU languages an advantage
  • Extensive hands-on experience with MS office toolkit and relevant tools to prepare B-case

Are you the next Zymer in our team? Consider a career with Novozymes and let’s realize your potential together.

About Novozymes 
Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions. Together with customers, partners and the global community, we improve industrial performance while preserving the planet’s resources and helping build better lives. As the world’s largest provider of enzyme and microbial technologies, our bioinnovation enables higher agricultural yields, low-temperature washing, energy-efficient production, renewable fuel and many other benefits that we rely on today and in the future. We call it Rethink Tomorrow.

Ranked #2 in Science magazine’s global Top Employers Survey 2017.

For more information, please contact Dr. Anuj Dhariwal, Head of Scouting & Exploration by email: adha (at)
Application deadline: October 28th 2018.
Please apply through the official link to avoid any communication issues
Please attach a copy of your academic degrees when you apply for the position.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVOZYMES A/S

source: DK-STAR


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