Arbejde Finnish Content Writer wanted! unspecified TRAFFIC-LAB ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4874485
documentId: 4874485
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536146883153
stillingsbetegnelse: Finnish Content Writer wanted!
We are looking for a sharp and dynamic Content Manager to create and upload content to our Finnish websites and other marketing channels.
Aside from being creative and a great writer, you need to be structured, as you will be a significant part of our Finnish content team.
Your job is to help us attract players on behalf of various online casinos and online bookmakers by delivering outstanding and in depth content to our websites. You will become a central part of our content team and also work closely with our Search Engine Optimization team.
If hired, you will be working in an open office environment in central Copenhagen. You will be a part of our content team with both Finnish and Danish co-workers. There will be plenty of possibilities for personal and professional development.
Job tasks:
- Write content (articles, campaigns, reviews, translations etc.) for our Finnish websites and other marketing channels.
- Uploading and updating content on websites.
- Research, quality control and general optimisation of websites.
- Managing affiliate systems.
- Be creative! Help us by coming up with ideas on how to take our websites to the next level.
Who are you?
- You enjoy writing and write perfect Finnish.
- Other than Finnish you must speak English or Danish.
- You can work with deadlines.
- If you have WordPress experience it is an advantage, but not a demand.
- You thrive working both independently and in teams.
- Your education is not paramount, but maybe you’ve studied communications, marketing, multimedia or other relevant field.
About us
Traffic Lab ApS is based in the heart of Copenhagen in offices in Bredgade, between the Marble Church and Amalienborg Castle. We stand out from traditional marketing bureaus, as we our self decide, prioritise and plan, which projects we choose to focus on. External customers do not dictate the majority of our day-to-day tasks. That gives us a freedom that can be a real epiphany to experience – especially if you have previous bureau experience.
A positive work environment and socialising is important to us, and we have of course foosball, monthly Friday bar and great lunch every day.
Read more about us on
The position is full time, starting as quickly as possible. Salary is based on qualifications. The company offers a pension scheme.
Contact information
All applications must be sent to applications (at) Please write “FI Content Manager” in the subject line.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRAFFIC-LAB ApS
source: DK-STAR
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