Arbejde Principal Scientist - Medicinal Chemistry unspecified NUEVOLUTION A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MDIyNyA3

reference: 4890227

documentId: 4890227

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539167914390

stillingsbetegnelse: Principal Scientist - Medicinal Chemistry


Nuevolution is dedicated to the identification and development of novel drug programs addressing unmet medical needs with a main disease focus on Inflammation and Oncology. We currently run more than 15 small molecule discovery programs in our own pipeline or in collaboration with our industrial, institutional and academic partners.

We offer an inspiring working environment in a biotech company pushing boundaries. If you are hard-working, creative, goal-oriented, decisive, open minded and have the desire for doing break-through science within drug discovery, we may have the ideal position for you.

The Position:
You will be part of multiple Nuevolution drug discovery teams taking projects from hit discovery through lead optimization to candidate selection. In your capacity as Principal Scientist in Medicinal Chemistry, you will be part of the science leadership team and you will support our programs entering medicinal chemistry optimization either as a team leader or as team support.

You will work in a stimulating and innovative project-based matrix organisation and you will take a major role in the development of our programs in collaboration with project groups and other individuals to progress these programs and tasks rapidly and diligently to realize a successful scientific and business outcome.

In your Principal Scientist role and as part of the science leadership team, you will help identify novel discovery and support business opportunities, help prioritize, decide, execute on projects and pipeline decisions.

Specifically, the position includes:

  • Working in a leadership-team to identify, prioritize and execute on all scientific projects
  • Medicinal chemistry lead or support of programs to meet company goals
  • Advising and managing of staff
  • Reporting to the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)

What we look for:

  • Ph.D. in synthetic chemistry and 5+ years of drug discovery industry experience from pharmaceutical or biotech companies
  • Documented experience in small molecule drug discovery
  • Significant knowledge in small molecule medicinal chemistry
  • A track-record in taking compounds from hit to candidate selection
  • Knowledge of structure-based lead optimization
  • Comprehensive understanding of DMPK and Pharmacology
  • Suitable knowledge of biochemical and biophysical validation methods
  • You thrive in an organization where responsibilities are taken, and objectives are met
  • Excellent people, communication and English language skills
  • High motivation, dedication, creativity with an ambition to succeed

The place of work will mainly be at our well accessible premises in Copenhagen.

For further information contact: Thomas Franch, CSO (tf (at) / +45 39 13 09 22). For further company details please visit Nuevolution’s homepage (

To apply for this position, please send your application marked “Principal Scientist – Medicinal Chemistry” including CV to jobs (at) or Nuevolution A/S, Rønnegade 8, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, not later than October 1st, 2018.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NUEVOLUTION A/S

source: DK-STAR


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