Jobs DTU Aqua - jobtilbud
På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra DTU Aqua, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 9 jobtilbud DTU Aqua.
Administrativ medarbejder til rederifunktionen (Hirtshals) -
Vi søger en erfaren administrativ medarbejder med kendskab til den maritime industri, som kan bidrage til den daglige drift af vores skibe, bemanding, sikkerhedsarbejdet og udvikling af Sektionen for Maritim Service, DTU Aqua. Jobbet Stilingen vil være placeret i Sektion for Maritim Service, som varetager
DTU Aqua - 2019-07-04 - unspecified
Teknisk skibsinspektør -
Vi søger en erfaren skibsinspektør til sektionen for Maritim service under DTU Aqua, med et solidt kendskab til vedligeholdelsesarbejde og statens regler for indkøb. Jobbet Du er ansvarlig for at teknisk maritim regulering, herunder nationale og internationale krav, bliver efterlevet for forskningsfartøjet
DTU Aqua - 2019-06-28 - unspecified
PhD Scholarship: Characterization and Extraction of Protein from Agro-industrial Sources for Fish Feed -
A PhD Scholarship is available at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) with expected starting date August 1st, 2019. DTU Aqua is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark. Project abstractJV_description The focus of the PhD is the characterization, extraction and potential
DTU Aqua - 2019-03-14 - unspecified
Researcher in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems -
DTU Aqua, Section for aquaculture invites applications for a position as researcher in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) with specific focus on microbial communities and characterization of microbial processes within RAS and associated End-Of-Pipe treatment. DTU Aqua - National Institute of Aquatic
DTU Aqua - 2019-03-05 - unspecified
Navigatør til havforskningsskibet DANA -
DTU Aqua søger en Navigatør til havforskningsskibet DANA. Jobbet Som Navigatør i DTU Aqua vil dine ansvarsområder omfatte: At du som en del af skibsledelsen loyalt sikrer fastholdelse og fremdrift af de iværksatte processer og strategier i sektionen, og at du er en \'driver\' i disse henseender.
DTU Aqua - 2018-12-28 - unspecified
Assistant for eel hatchery technology development -
An assistant position related to experimental research on European eel breeding is available at the National Institute for Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) of the Technical University of Denmark. The position is affiliated with the Fish Biology Research Group of the Section for Marine Living Resources. Workplace
DTU Aqua - 2018-12-13 - unspecified
Post-doctoral researcher on Mackerel Biology and Assessment -
Applications are invited for a 2-year position as postdoc with emphasis on research and advice in relation to North Atlantic mackerel. The researcher will join the group of researchers working in the cross field between biological research and stock assessment at the National Institute of Aquatic
DTU Aqua - 2018-09-13 - unspecified
PhD scholarship in nutritional physiology of fish -
A PhD Scholarship in nutritional physiology of fish is available at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) to commence during the fall of 2018. The scholarship is financed partly by DTU as a joint alliance project between DTU and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
DTU Aqua - 2018-08-22 - unspecified
PhD scholarship in nutritional physiology of fish -
A PhD Scholarship in nutritional physiology of fish is available at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) to commence during the fall of 2018. The scholarship is financed partly by DTU as a joint alliance project between DTU and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
DTU Aqua - 2018-07-23 - unspecified