Arbejde Salesman for the German market unspecified ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4900564
documentId: 4900564
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541421066970
stillingsbetegnelse: Salesman for the German market
Are you our new Salesman for German Market? is looking for a good seller for our team in Kolding.
About is the new international job portal.
Our job portal is a No Cure No Pay concept, where you only pay for the result of job advertisements and we are the first international platform of its kind.
We are an international company consisting of a team from different countries and with different backgrounds, so you must have a broad horizon and understanding of other cultures.
With us we are unpretentious, smiling, happy and have a good working environment in beautiful surroundings. We are diligent and take pride in our work and look forward to the same goal - to become the BEST in our industry. And it's precisely here that you get into the picture.
We are looking for a seller who wants to be in the world and ready for his first sales job or you know for canvas and looking for new challenges. needs more momentum on our sales. We need an initiative-oriented and action-oriented salesman with hands on who will help build the German market in close collaboration with sales and marketing managers and our other teams.
You will work very independently, and you must make sure to create the best possible starting point in Germany, so comes well from the start in the country.
Sales will primarily be through telephone sales and follow-up on customers coming through our online activities and campaigns.
About you:
We imagine that you have a relevant education and are ready for your first sales job or from a position where you have been used to using the phone as a tool in conjunction with B2B sales.
You are structured and ready to have more balls in the air and can independently define your work from start to finish. In addition, it is important that you are happy, positive and outgoing and can sell the concept.
Application deadline:
We have no application deadline for our job advertisement as we regularly call candidates for conversation.
Salary and employment terms correspond to the requirements and are negotiated individually.
If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Natalia Jørgensen, tel. +45 71 74 75 04
Send us your application as well as CV and possibly. Other relevant documents to nj (at)
There is 1 vacancy
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ApS
source: DK-STAR
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