Arbejde PLM Business Process Manager unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5ODczNCA3

reference: 4898734

documentId: 4898734

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1541061373103

stillingsbetegnelse: PLM Business Process Manager


(Location: Nordborg (Denmark) or North (Germany))

Job Description

Can you create global process standards and help business units to achieve their Product Lifecycle Management business goals? Then you might be the PLM Business Process Manager we are looking for.

As PLM program member, you get the opportunity to work in a high-profile Danfoss program. You will join an international and dynamic team, who are used to working under pressure and collaborate to reach key deadlines and goals. Being part of Global PLM implementations programs, means that you will be a key player in Danfoss’ digital journey, helping the organization to harmonize global process standard.
Harmonization of global process standard
As our new PLM Business Process Manager your responsibility to lead and govern the business teams of the Competence Centers, that is the entities who have the business process knowledge of the One PLM template, and the design authority organization to govern all business changes to the template.
The primary focus of the Business Process Manager is to be aligned with the Business Units, Engineering, Quality, Purchasing and Operations teams to assist them in achieving their Product Lifecycle Management business goals. Your main key tasks will be to:

  • Ensure creation and adoption of process standards
  • Ensure design of global process standards and harmonization
  • Ensure design of process and application integration 

Proactive and results oriented leader
We expect you to hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Engineering with focus on R&D and product development. But more importantly, you have extensive PLM Process experience from a global organization, preferably from discrete manufacturing and engineering business. You have strong leadership skills and are used to take decisions. You take ownership and are able to secure alignment in the organization.
As a person, you are a strong communicator and able to interact with the business and stakeholders on a global scale. Last, but not least you are fluent in business English, both written and verbal.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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