Arbejde Sales assistant til JD SPORT unspecified JD SPORTS FASHION DENMARK APS - jobtilbud

id: NDkyOTcyMyA3

reference: 4929723

documentId: 4929723

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547207886276

stillingsbetegnelse: Sales assistant til JD SPORT


Part time Sales Assistant

Established in 1981 with a single store in the North West of England, JD Sports Fashion plc is a leading Multi-Channel retailer of sports fashion and outdoor brands in the UK and Europe. The Group has over 1200 stores across a number of retail fascias and is proud of the fact that it always provides its customers with the latest products from the very best brands.

Role Overview:

Being part of the team you will be responsible for ensuring our customers receive the best possible service each time they visit your store. You will assist in maximising store profitability by exceeding your sales targets and utilising the in-store devices, while contributing to a successful store team.


Customer Service

  • Greet all customers in a warm, genuine and friendly manner.
  • Ensure that customers receive the best possible service every time that they enter the store.
  • Understand the process of the Customer Service measuring programme.


  • Drive sales, ensuring that targets are achieved and, where possible, exceeded.
  • Utilise the in-store devices, offering the customer the whole product range.
  • Provide alternatives and add on sales at every opportunity.

 Visual Merchandising

  • Assist in the maintenance of standards on the shop floor and for all displays and merchandise.
  • Keep stock, clean and presentable at all times.
  • Replenish stock levels when needed, making sure the full size range is on the shop floor where possible.


  • To deputise for other staff, work within departments, or carry out other duties as required.
  • Represent the company in the most professional manner at all times.
  • Conduct your work in a safe and responsible manner.

 Skills/Experience/Knowledge Needed

  • Good communication skills
  • Confident and outgoing
  • Effective selling skills


Ansøgning sendes til JDDenmark.Jobs (at)

Market ansøgning "Salgs assistent Århus"

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: parttime


source: DK-STAR


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