Jobs Region Midtjylland - jobtilbud

På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra Region Midtjylland, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 9 jobtilbud Region Midtjylland.

Sundhedsfaglig uddannelseskonsulent -

Sundhedsfaglig uddannelseskonsulent til Center for Kompetenceudvikling Center for Kompetenceudvikling søger en sundhedsfaglig uddannelseskonsulent til udvikling, planlægning, ledelse og evaluering af kompetenceudvikling og uddannelsesaktiviteter inden for det sundhedsfaglige område og indgå
Region Midtjylland - 2019-05-15 - unspecified

Uddannelseskonsulent og underviser i konflikthåndtering -

Uddannelseskonsulent til Center for Kompetenceudvikling, Region Midtjylland- herunder underviser i voldsforebyggelse, deeskalerende kommunikation og konflikthåndtering Drømmer du om at arbejde målrettet med nedbringelse af konfliktsituationer samt voldsforebyggelse i sundhedsvæsenet? Herunder
Region Midtjylland - 2019-05-03 - unspecified

Interreg Finance Expert -

Vacancy announcement for the Interact ProgrammeInteract Office Viborg is recruiting an Interreg expert in the area of Financial ManagementInteract Office Viborg is looking for an expert in the area of Interreg Programme Financial Management who is interested in driving and supporting the strategic developments
Region Midtjylland - 2018-12-07 - unspecified

Data-analysts/Statisticians/Pharmacoepidemiologists at the Department of Depression and Anxiety -

A 3-year full-time position and one 2-year full-time position as data-analyst/statistician/pharmaco-epidemiologist are available at the Department of Depression and Anxiety from February 1, 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. About the department:The Department of Depression and Anxiety (DDA)
Region Midtjylland - 2018-12-07 - unspecified

Data-analysts/Statisticians/ Pharmacoepidemiologists at the Department of Depression and Anxiety -

A 3-year full-time position and one 2-year full-time position as data-analyst/statistician/pharmaco-epidemiologist are available at the Department of Depression and Anxiety from February 1, 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. About the department:The Department of Depression and Anxiety (DDA)
Region Midtjylland - 2018-12-06 - unspecified

Dataanalytikere/statistikere/farmako-epidemiologer søges til Afd. for Depression og Angst -

En 3-årig fuldtidsstilling og en 2-årig fuldtidsstilling som dataanalytiker/statistiker/farmako-epidemiolog ved Afdeling for Depression og Angst (ADA) er ledig til besættelse fra 1/2 2019 eller snarest herefter.Om afdelingen:Afdeling for Depression og Angst (ADA) er en del af Aarhus Universitetshospital
Region Midtjylland - 2018-12-06 - unspecified

Interreg Finance Expert -

Vacancy announcement for the Interact ProgrammeInteract Office Viborg is recruiting an Interreg expert in the area of Financial ManagementInteract Office Viborg is looking for an expert in the area of Interreg Programme Financial Management who is interested in driving and supporting the strategic developments
Region Midtjylland - 2018-11-17 - unspecified

Lægeassistenter til Region Midtjyllands akutlægebiler -

  Lægeassistenter til Region Midtjyllands akutlægebiler Præhospitalet i Region Midtjylland overtager pr. 1. december 2018 driften af fire akutlægebiler i Horsens, Aarhus, Randers og Grenaa. Vi søger derfor ca. 20 erfarne ambulancebehandlere/paramedicinere
Region Midtjylland - 2018-08-21 - unspecified

Denmark seeks Medical doctors -

Alment lægearbejde
Medical specialists sought for Central Denmark Region. Central Denmark Region has vacancies for medical specialists in radiology, oncology, cardiology and neurology. Central Denmark Region is Denmark’s second largest region with approximately 1.3 million
Region Midtjylland - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland