Jobs SKATEPRO ApS - jobtilbud
På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra SKATEPRO ApS, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 20 jobtilbud SKATEPRO ApS.
Swedish speaking action sport lover for SkatePro\'s Swedish Customer Connection team -
Elsker du action sport? Taler du svensk på modersmålsniveau? Og kunne du tænke dig et arbejde i en stor webshop, hvor kærligheden til action sport, arbejdsglæde, ansvar og indflydelse opgaverne er i fokus? Så kig lige nærmere her, for vi søger lige nu en person, der taler svensk på modersmåls
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-08-28 - unspecified
German speaking Customer Advisor (Maternity Cover) -
Do you like action sport? Do you speak German? Do you like working with people? If you can say yes to these three, you might be the new colleague we are looking for.SkatePro is a Danish action sports e-commerce company based just outside of Aarhus, Denmark, and we sell all kind of equipment for skate,
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-07-27 - unspecified
Finnish-speaking colleague to join our Customer Connection Team member in the biggest online skate shop in Europe. -
Our goal is to be the most preferred online skate shop in Europe. So if you want to be a part of setting a new standard for good customer service and customer relation, then look here.At SkatePro we focus on 1 thing in our customer connection: Ensuring happy customers through competent and honest advising.Therefore,
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-06-21 - unspecified
SkatePro – Marketing Coordinator -
Are you interested in working for one of Europe´s leading online action sport companies? Are you interested in coordinating marketing activities across earned, owned and paid media? Are you experienced working with Social Media, content marketing, promotion, advertising and marketing projects? SkatePro
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-05-29 - unspecified
Dutch Speaking Colleague for our Customer Connection Team -
Do you like action sport? Do you speak Dutch? Do you like working with people? If you can say yes to these three, you might be the new colleague we are looking for.SkatePro is a Danish action sport e-commerce company based just outside of Aarhus, Denmark, and we sell all kind of equipment for skate,
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-05-24 - unspecified
German speaking Customer Advisor (Maternity Cover) -
Do you like action sport? Do you speak German? Do you like working with people? If you can say yes to these three, you might be the new colleague we are looking for.SkatePro is a Danish action sports e-commerce company based just outside of Aarhus, Denmark, and we sell all kind of equipment for skate,
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-05-08 - unspecified
Spanish/French speaking Customer Advisor (Maternity Cover) -
Do you like action sport? Do you speak Spanish or French? Do you like working with people? If you can say yes to these three, you might be the new colleague we are looking for.SkatePro is a Danish action sports e-commerce company based just outside of Aarhus, Denmark, and we sell all kind of equipment
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-05-07 - unspecified
Svensktalande kundrådgivare till Nordens största online skate shop -
Hos SkatePro är vårt mål att bli Europas föredragna online skateshop. Vill du vara med till att definiera standarden inom bra kundrådgivning i Sverige? Så se mer här.Hos SkatePro fokuserar vi på en sak: glada kunder genom kompetent och ärlig rådgivning.Sedan våran nuvarande kollega Martin
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-05-03 - unspecified
Norwegian speaking customer advisor for the biggest online Skate Shop in The North -
Hos SkatePro er vores mål at blive Europas foretrukne online skateshop. Så vil du være med til at definere standarden for god kunderådgivning i Norge? Så se mere her.Hos SkatePro fokuserer vi på én ting: glade kunder igennem kompetent og ærlig rådgivning.Siden våre nåværende ansatte, Martin,
SKATEPRO ApS - 2019-04-25 - unspecified
(Nyuddannet) Online marketing koordinator / Google Adwords specialist -
SkatePro søger en (nyuddannet) kandidat med tal intuition og kommercielt flair. Du skal hjælpe os med at skabe international vækst gennem især Google Adwords, men også Facebook/Instagram, Bing, shopping sites og andre lokale aktører.Dette job er en kæmpe mulighed for den rigtige kandidat, og vi
SKATEPRO ApS - 2018-11-16 - unspecified
Norwegian speaking customer advisor for the biggest online Skate Shop in The North -
Hos SkatePro er vores mål at blive Europas foretrukne online skateshop. Så vil du være med til at definere standarden for god kunderådgivning i Norge? Så se mere her. Hos SkatePro fokuserer vi på én ting: glade kunder igennem kompetent og ærlig rådgivning.
SKATEPRO ApS - 2018-11-03 - unspecified
Passioneret og energisk lagermedarbejder søges til Nordens største online skate shop -
Grundet travlhed søger vi nu en ny kollega til vores lager. Vi er et ungt og dynamisk team, hvor der ofte kan være travlt. Det er vigtigt for os, at du er passioneret omkring lagerarbejde, og sætter en ære i at udføre et godt stykke arbejde, til glæde for dig selv
SKATEPRO ApS - 2018-10-12 - unspecified
Studentermedhjælper til lager -
Vi søger netop nu en studentermedhjælper til plukning og pakning af varer hverdag samt weekend.Det er vigtigt for os, at du sætter en ære i at udføre et godt stykke arbejde, til glæde for dig selv samt vores kunder. Tidligere praktisk erfaring samt truckcertifikat
SKATEPRO ApS - 2018-10-05 - unspecified
Kundenberater für einen der größten Skateshops Europas -
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
SkatePro sucht nach einem passionierten Kollegen für unser dynamisches und kompetentes Kundenservice-Team. Hier helfen wir den Kunden das richtige Produkt für den gewünschten Einsatz
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-05-25 - Midtjylland
Social Media Coordinator -
Arbejde inden for reklame og marketing
SkatePro is looking for a new colleague to work with social media marketing and related tasks.Customers and users should get a fantastic experience with all SkatePro touchpoints. Just like we have a fantastic experience, when we are out enjoying our passion
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-04-19 - Midtjylland
Finnish customer service employee for one of Europe\'s biggest skate shops -
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
SkatePro is looking for a new Finnish employee who is driven by providing the best possible service and sales within all types of skating. So if you are passionate about providing SkatePro\'s growing group
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Spanish customer service employee for one of Europe\'s biggest skate shops -
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
SkatePro is looking for a new Spannish speaking part time employee who is driven by providing the best possible service and sales within all types of skating. So if you are passionate about providing SkatePro\'s
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
German customer service employee for one of Europe\'s biggest skate shops -
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
SkatePro is looking for a new German speaking part time employee who is driven by providing the best possible service and sales within all types of skating. So if you are passionate about providing SkatePro\'s
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Dutch customer service employee for one of Europe\'s biggest skate shops -
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
SkatePro is looking for a new Dutch part time employee who is driven by providing the best possible service and sales within all types of skating. So if you are passionate about providing SkatePro\'s growing
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland
Finnish customer service employee for one of Europe\'s biggest skate shops -
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
SkatePro is looking for a new Finnish employee who is driven by providing the best possible service and sales within all types of skating. So if you are passionate about providing SkatePro\'s growing group
SKATEPRO ApS - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland