Arbejde QC Academic Supporter unspecified DUPONT NUTRITION BIOSCIENCES APS - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MzkzOSA3

reference: 4893939

documentId: 4893939

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539925983520

stillingsbetegnelse: QC Academic Supporter


QC Academic Supporter Grindsted

Job Description

Would you like to join a dynamic department in change, where we are seeking tomorrow’s solutions for quality control?
We offer an interesting and challenging 12 months position as academic supporter in our QC laboratory. 

We are looking for an academic supporter in the QC laboratory at DuPont’s production site in Grindsted. The overall purpose of this position is to ensure that the analytical teams deliver valid analytical results on time. The supporter will refer directly to the Quality System Manager. You will also be the Grindsted production sites main contact regarding enzyme analysis. As an academic supporter in the Quality department you will be challenged with alternating tasks such as:

  • Participation in and coordination of optimization projects in the laboratory
  • Coordination of the routine analytical tasks with the demands from production in cooperation with the bio team.
  • Improvement and implementation of analytical methods in cooperation with other DuPont experts globally.
  • Mentoring and hands on technical issues, including e.g.:Enzyme activity measurements
    Validation of other analytical methods – e.g. hplc methods,and spectrophotometry methods 

Job Qualifications

We expect to find a technically skilled person with a relevant scientific education and competencies within enzyme activity testing, hplc analysis, spectrophotometry (ELISA for e.g. endotoxin- and allergen detection) and/or fermentation, who likes to work with people and who has focus on delivering analytical results timely and effectively.  On top of that: - You are holding a masters degree in “food science”, chemistry or similar- Experience is not needed, but you could have a few years of experience as academic supporter in a technical or analytical laboratory. - You like to participate in trouble shooting with the technicians about analytical results and/or questions.

- You have good IT skills- You have a systematic approach and understand the need to work in accordance with described analytical methods and standard operation procedures.

- You understand the need to document your work, traceability is a must.- You acknowledge the need to share knowledge with others- You have good interpersonal skills- You are energetic, creative, focused, able to execute and a team player, who is good at communicating with all layers of the organization.

About DowDuPont

DowDuPont (NYSE: DWDP) is a holding company comprised of The Dow Chemical Company and DuPont with the intent to form strong, independent, publicly traded companies in agriculture, materials science and specialty products sectors that will lead their respective industries through productive, science-based innovation to meet the needs of customers and help solve global challenges. For more information, please visit us at

The positions represented by this job posting are aligned to one of the three divisions, Agriculture, Materials Science or Specialty Products, which are expected to separate from DowDuPont into stand-alone public companies. Information on the division alignment will be provided during the recruitment process.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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