Arbejde Process engineer - full time internship for 20 weeks in our Process department Syddanmark RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S, Esbjerg - jobtilbud

Process engineer - full time internship for 20 weeks in our Process department

Are you interested in developing your skills in a learning environment with some of the most talented employees in the Oil & Gas field as mentors? Now you can get the opportunity to test and improve your theoretical background in practice in a growing global company. Boost your career by exploring the challenges within offshore engineering As intern with us, you will be at our office for 20 weeks, 37 hours per week on a paid contract. We believe that you learn the most by having a hands-on approach to our projects, and therefore we will take you through a complete introductory program. Throughout the internship you will be supported by a mentor and you will get your own independent tasks and participate on our current projects. The Process department is responsible for the design of flow diagram and piping and instrument diagrams primarily on offshore installations. Thus, you will participate in these tasks and you will assist in preparing logic diagrams as well as collect and publish project documentation. In detail the internship includes tasks such as to: •prepare system descriptions •prepare and assist in process simulation and heat and mass balances •prepare flow charts, piping and instrument diagrams. •participate in specification of process equipment, such as separators, compressors, valves and pumps •prepare process cause and effect diagrams •calculate blow down and safety valves and dimensioning of flare systems A valuable team member with drive and the will to learn We understand that you are here to learn, and we will do our part to ensure that. That is why we have a team that respects other people’s views and contributions. As a valued intern, we believe you can add to that by establishing good relations with the people you come into contact with. This also means that you accept and tackle demanding goals and tasks with enthusiasm, and you are willing to go the extra mile when the situation requires it. If you can combine that with the ability to manage your time effectively and keep sharp focus on delivering high quality work through applying your technical knowledge from university to real life tasks, then you might be the right person to join our team. In combination with the right personality, we also ask that you have/are: studying a relevant B.Sc or M.Sc in chemical engineering, oil & gas technology or environmental & resource management. strong communication skills in English both orally and written as this is our corporate language. Danish written- and oral skills is an advantage but not a requirement a natural flair and interest for working with IT-tools Your new colleagues In response to the requirement for life time extension and call for environmentally sound solutions, the process department has helped many of our clients redesign plants and equipment installed decades ago, when legislative requirements were not as strict as today. You will get 30 highly skilled colleagues including CAD and senior chief specialists. The process department consists of three teams and you will become part of a team with three Technical Assistants and will refer directly to the Department Director. Ramboll offer An exciting and challenging job in a dynamic and international environment with a pleasant working climate and highly skilled colleagues. We are focused on knowledge sharing and collaboration across competence areas and geography and enjoy an informal tone. Ramboll invest a lot in development of people and offer career paths tailored for each individual. Interested? If you want to know more about the position, please contact Recruitment Coordinator, Louise Rod, at luc (at) If you are interested in applying, please send your mail through our online recruitment system by clicking the link to apply. Please send your application no later than 21.4.2014. Deadline 21 April 2014 Workplace Esbjerg Apply for job online: Rambo

Arbejdsgiver Navn: RAMBØLL DANMARK A/S, Esbjerg

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79137100

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for mekaniske systemer

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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