Arbejde PPC Specialist unspecified BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4932255
documentId: 4932255
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547798297063
stillingsbetegnelse: PPC Specialist
Are you up to the challenge of playing a key role and contributing to the ambitious growth strategy of one of the fastest growing digital companies in Denmark?
We are on the lookout for an experienced PPC Specialist to build, manage and optimise our PPC campaigns across a range of our top igaming brands, including the award winning websites.
We have an immediate opening for an campaign savvy, analytical thinking traffic acquisition professional with strong experience in PPC, in particular on the Google Ads and Bing platform. Hands on work experience is a must and working knowledge of paid media on platforms such as Adform, Facebook, DoubleClick is a big plus.
As Better Collective’s PPC Specialist, you will be a key member of the Traffic & Brand team, controlling large budgets and and being accountable for the performance of our paid marketing campaigns in 10+ countries across a range of online platforms, all from our fast paced office in the heart of Copenhagen.
You will help design and constantly optimise our efforts with the clear aim of finding the best online methods for reaching the highest number of high intent sports betting users, at the lowest possible cost, while simultaneously increasing conversion rates on campaign landing pages. You are also accustomed to managing large marketing budgets and are meticulous in tracking campaign results and reporting on KPIs to stakeholders and management.
expert user of the Google Ads platform
vast previous experience managing Google Ads campaigns
detail oriented, with the ability to successfully run several campaigns at once, without jeopardizing quality and results
has experience with scripts and ad customisers
has an analytical mindset - constantly reviewing and optimising active campaigns
a proactive thinker who pays real attention to detail and acts upon any opportunities
has a solid holistic business understanding
holds an interest in sports betting
you have at least two years of PPC experience and have a proven track record
worked “hands on” and extensively with Google Ads and Bing Ads
experience with lead generation and affiliate marketing is preferred
strong knowledge of Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics
experience with conversion rate optimisation and search engine optimisation(SEO)
We look forward to hearing from you and accept applications for this position until the 10th of February 2019 via the “Apply Now” - button.
We will process your application quickly and give callbacks continuously until we find the perfect candidate.
Expected start date: as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact our Head of Traffic & Brand, Gavin Moore at gam (at)
Better Collective is an international growth company working to give players a better and more secure iGaming experience. Through our products, we aim to create a more transparent and honest industry.
Our ambition is that quality and innovation must also apply to the iGaming industry, and we are determined to set new standards and to take the lead in the market. We are a dynamic, energetic and diverse workplace, encouraging an open and informal tone, strong unity, and high ambitions.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S
source: DK-STAR
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