Arbejde Strong Manager for Biostatistics unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4877525
documentId: 4877525
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536738866273
stillingsbetegnelse: Strong Manager for Biostatistics
Do you have profound people management experience and sound knowledge of clinical development? Or do you have expert biostatistical competences and talent for people management? Then you might be our new Manager in Biostatistics.
Your job will be securing biostatistical deliverables within the Biopharm area and managing a team of highly dedicated experts within Biostatistics.
In Global Development, we are responsible for managing clinical drug development worldwide from early development phases to product introduction and life cycle management. We ensure medical and scientific documentation for clinical submissions and authorities while ensuring that the process lives up to uniform global standards, regulations and business ethics.
About the department
The Biostatistics function currently consists of 210 statisticians and statistical programmers globally. Of these, approximately 160 are situated in Denmark, where we are organised in departments supporting each of our large development projects (e.g. Haemophilia, Semaglutide, Insulin or Obesity). Novo Nordisk has a broad R&D pipeline and most of our statistical work is done in-house, thus we offer a wide variety of statistical challenges and provide a strong scientific community. We are organised in smaller units for each clinical project to ensure close collaboration with our various stakeholders.
Biostatistics is a very dynamic area which cooperates with many different professionals in the organisation both within Denmark and across borders with our affiliates in India, China and Japan as well as our outsourcing partners in India and Europe. Thus, we have an international and challenging environment where you can use your cross cultural awareness and managerial skills.
Biopharm is a key therapeutic area for Novo Nordisk with several marketed drugs and new drugs in the pipeline within the haemophilia and growth disorder space.
The position
As a Manager you will report to the Vice President of Biostatistics Insulin, Devices & Biopharm and be a member of the management team. You will be overall responsible for managing and leading 14 highly dedicated statisticians and statistical programmers. You will be overall responsible for statistics deliverables used for marketing authorisation of new drugs as well as variation applications, meta-analyses and support to marketing on marketed drugs.
You will be responsible for motivating and securing competency development of the team members. Ensuring quality in the work, continuous improvements of the team and process development will be essential in the job. You will also be responsible for the department budget. Together with the International Project Statistician and the International Lead Programmer in your team, you will have the overall responsibility for the biostatistical tasks in the project worldwide.
As part of the Biostatistics management team, you will anticipate new challenges and needs for the Biostatistics department. We expect you to take part in the maintenance and innovation of Biostatistics as a good and challenging place to work. Building and maintaining good business and working relationships with internal and external groups is essential in the management role.
Your workplace will be in Søborg and travelling abroad could be expected 1-2 times per year.
Either, you have a strong track record of line management combined with a sound knowledge of clinical development or you have profound knowledge of biostatistics or statistical programming combined with significant management talent. As a minimum, you have several years of experience as project or line manager as well as extensive knowledge of drug development and knowledge of the Biostatistics deliveries in a R&D organisation within the pharmaceutical industry. You have experience with supervision and mentoring of staff. Furthermore, you have experience with working in international and diverse professional groups.
Naturally, you set direction, lead and motivate you team and have strong stakeholder management capabilities. As a person you strive with a high level of complexity and have solid problem-solving capabilities. We expect that you remain high spirited, also when things are moving fast. You have excellent collaboration and communication skills; you can collaborate at any organisational level and are fluent in English.
Working at Novo Nordisk
By being patient-focused, we have achieved a market leading position and we continuously develop our expertise to stay ahead both as a company and as individuals. Working here mean joining a team of highly qualified, ambitious colleagues with a passion to bring better treatments to the people who need them.
For further information, please call Tina Christiansen on +45 3079 1748.
24 September 2018.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S
source: DK-STAR
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