Arbejde Operations Director - Licensing & Extended Line Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
Do you want to set the strategy, motivate your team and drive progress within a key area? Then here is a unique opportunity to apply your excellent people, operational and project management skills to help a global and growing department prepare for the future. Set and communicate a clear direction You will be based in Billund and head the Licensing & Extended Line Operations Team consisting of more than 20 employees. The team has a broad band of responsibilities, and your mission is to ensure smooth daily operations as well as continuously developing our competencies, providing business support, build platforms and the processes needed to become scalable as we expect our business to grow. You will be in charge of 4 areas: Business Support, Logistics, Quality & Compliance and Project Management, and some of your key tasks will include: People management. You build and set direction for the team. Also, you build and maintain a strong network of global stakeholders - including the supply chain and external partners Handling day to day issues and challenges as the operations area often requires hands-on involvement from you Providing the business with relevant sales data and various analyses, securing that the business systems are scalable and maintained Taking ownership of and driving our development process. You secure strong focus on risk, adherence to project plans, design for value chain and secure process alignment with the overall LEGO Development plan Setting and deploying a strategy for the area. You initiate and drive improvement projects and make sure we are prepared to meet future business needs Creating a strong focus on quality and compliance through the newly established Quality and Compliance Team Joining the leadership team where you participate in outlining the overall strategy and direction of Licensing & Extended Line Mutual value creation In this role, you will take on most of the tasks of a COO and thereby get an excellent opportunity to take your career to a new level. As you work directly with both our strategy and daily operations, you will influence and set the direction for a key area within Licensing & Extended Line. However, you cannot do this alone, and our principle of mutual value creation will be key to your success as you lead and motivate others to perform. Strategic and people management experience combined with a hands-on mentality You have a degree in Business, Engineering or within another relevant area combined with some years of people management experience You have previously worked with project management / supply chain, and you are a skilled communicator who thrives interacting with employees and global partners and stakeholders You enjoy - and are experienced within - both strategic and hands-on tasks, and with your analytical mind-set, you are able to take a holistic approach when needed Finally, you speak and write English at a high level, possess excellent Excel skills and have a good understanding of data structures. Join the global family of LEGO In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you will collaborate across the LEGO Community. We look very much forward to reading your application and please remember to attach your application and a current CV. Apply: We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down once we have found the right candidate.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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