Arbejde Material Engineer, Polymer Specialist unspecified NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO DENMARK I/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg3MDMzMCA3

reference: 4870330

documentId: 4870330

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1535538487490

stillingsbetegnelse: Material Engineer, Polymer Specialist


National Oilwell Varco Subsea Production Systems (NOV SPS) designs and manufactures flexible pipes and specific, innovative products for the offshore oil and gas industry. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, we leverage superior engineering and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology to establish long-term partnerships with global contractors and oil companies.

For our material technology department, we are hiring a material engineer with expertise in testing and characterization of polymeric materials. You will mainly work with development projects targeting qualification of new polymer-based materials and components used for NOV Subsea products. Central in this qualification work is long term ageing tests in relevant offshore and oil producing environments where mechanical testing and thermal analysis are used for characterization. You will also be highly involved in defining technical scope and manage progress of such development projects. Finally, you will support the rest of the organization on technical issues related to your field of expertise within polymeric materials.

Most testing will be performed at our inhouse state of the art material qualification laboratory. A key element of the job is liaison with the laboratory on progress and obtained test results but also on test procedures and test equipment. Your work might involve some travel activity (up to 10 days/year), but will for the most part take place at our HQ in Brøndby.
You are most likely a chemical material engineer with expertise in the properties of thermoplastic and elastomer-based polymer materials. You have a strong understanding and experience in mechanical testing as well as thermal analysis techniques such as DSC and DMA. Finally, you understand degradation of polymers and can use that knowledge to design ageing tests and qualification programs. 


As a person you are out-going, a pro-active team player and have good communication abilities in an international environment with English as company language. You have good project coordination skills and work systematically and ensure good documentation of performed work. You will have daily contact with our internal xmaterial qualification laboratory. The Flexibles material technology department is located at our headquarter in Brøndby, where we support our Danish and Brazilian manufacturing facilities. We are 40 engineers and technicians with competences on steel, corrosion, polymers, material modelling and FRP materials. We act as a global competence center for material knowledge. Our products operate at extreme conditions and needs optimal technical solutions to obtain required performance. The technical level and requirements are therefore high and we are proud of our professional approach. 

We offer:

  • A job in a dynamic and innovative company
  • International environment experiencing strong growth
  • Informal work environment with exciting projects
  • Committed colleagues with a high professional level
  • Good opportunities for personal and professional development

For more information please contact R&D Director Adam Rubin, phone +45 5155 0660. Please send your motivated application, CV and any additional relevant information before September 7th.

We are truly a global family with 1200 dedicated employees in Denmark, Brazil, Ghana, Malaysia, Norway, Scotland, and the United States, and we offer the opportunity of a lifetime for anyone interested in working in an international environment to help power the industry that powers the world.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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