Arbejde 211-0592 Professor of Applied Ethnobotany and Tropical Forest Governance unspecified KU - SCIENCE - IFRO - jobtilbud
reference: 4869663
documentId: 4869663
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1535433888620
211-0592 Professor of Applied Ethnobotany and Tropical Forest Governance
Professor of Applied Ethnobotany and Tropical Forest Governance
Department of Food and Resource Economics
Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen
The Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a position as professor of Applied Ethnobotany and Tropical Forest Governance.
We are looking for a researcher to complement the research profile of the Global Development Section. The successful applicant will be specialized within areas like applied ethnobotany, tropical forest governance, and participatory biodiversity monitoring. The successful applicant will have ample experience in collaborating on inter-disciplinary research related to the resource conservation and resource use conflicts and balances.
The researchers of the Global Development Section engage in inter-disciplinary research on economic, political, environmental, and institutional dynamics in developing countries. Research areas include issues of resource economics; natural resource use and ‘grabbing’, management and conflicts; problems of livelihoods and climate change mitigation and adaptation; issues of regulation, state-formation governance and corruption, as well as economic development. Currently 20 researchers and teachers make up this section.
The Global Development Section has a strong tradition for collaboration within the group as well as with national and international research institutions and universities. The professor is expected to engage in and develop these multidisciplinary research relations further by bringing original research ideas within his or her field (research plan) to the forefront of research.
Applicants must have an academic degree (PhD or equivalent). We expect applicants to have a degree in tropical botany, plant ecology, biology, or similar disciplines. We furthermore expect applicants to have strong inter-disciplinary skills, have knowledge of and experience with ethnographic methods, and research experience on participatory governance of forest resources and biodiversity monitoring. Experience in application of scientific results in policies and programmes of user groups, NGOs and governments is an advantage.
A successful applicant will be internationally recognized for his or her scholarly excellence. This will typically be reflected in a strong track record of publications within the topical areas of the position, a high number of citations, and lecture and advisory board invitations. Furthermore, a successful applicant will have experience as PI on larger research grants and have documented strong ability to disseminate research to the public. In addition, a successful applicant will have experience in creating and developing courses and curricula.
Qualifications furthermore include:
- A strong track record in teaching and supervision of BSc, MSc and PhD students and interns. Applicants are required to have university level teaching experience, documented teaching competencies and must be able to explain and reflect upon own teaching practice and portfolio. Formal pedagogical training or supervision equivalent to the University of Copenhagen teacher training programme for professors is required.
- Experience with participation in and leading research fund raising efforts and management of externally funded research projects, as well as advisory work and out-reach.
- Experience and skills in leadership, management and administration.
Assessment of applicants will primarily consider their level of documented, original scientific production at an international level, including contributions to developments in their field, as well as their documented teaching qualifications. Managerial and out-reach qualifications of applicants including ability to attract external funding will also be considered.
Information and inquiries
Further information on the Department is available at Inquiries about the position can be made to Head of Department Bo Jellesmark Thorsen bjt (at) or Head of Section Christian Lund, clund (at)
The position is open from 1 March 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Terms of employment
The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.
Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.
Commencing salary for professors is currently - DKK 612.387 including annual supplement (+ pension DKK 104.718). Negotiation for salary supplement is possible.
The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.
Please include
- Curriculum vitae including information about researcher ID/Orcid
- Diplomas
- Research plan – abstractJV_description of current and future research plans
- Description and documentation of teaching experience and qualifications according to university guidelines
- Complete publication list
- Separate reprints of 5 particularly relevant papers
The deadline for applications is 9 September 2018.
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee.
You can read about the recruitment process at
Interviews/trial lectures will be held on 11 January 2019.
Please refer to the following no. in future communication in this case: 211-0592
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: KU - SCIENCE - IFRO
source: DK-STAR
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