Arbejde Senior Transformation Manager unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg3NDc0OSA3

reference: 4874749

documentId: 4874749

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1536233063383

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Transformation Manager


Would you like to play an important role in an agile transformation which goes beyond IT and will bring us even closer to our LEGO® values? Be the facilitator who helps increase effectiveness, creativity and learning through agile principles.

Ready to spread an agile approach?

In IT, we are reconfiguring the way we work to service LEGO® colleagues, costumers and consumers even better. We want to measure ourselves on how satisfied our stakeholders are with the products we offer and how much value they create. We believe we can do a better job in achieving this if we adopt agile approaches. Our ambition is to be agile - not just do agile.

Our journey has just started, and it will not end with IT. We believe that it will reach the entire organisation over time. As you embark on this journey with us, you will be responsible for driving awareness and spreading an agile adoption across the organisation as well as keeping an overview of the overall traction.

You will encourage your colleagues to live the LEGO values of creativity and learning, working closely with stakeholders across the organisation to identify and prioritise impediments and develop efforts to remove them.

Specifically, you:

• Translate local organisational impediments into cross-organisational initiatives

• Provide input, scaling and implementation of an agile approach at an enterprise level

• Establish broad support for agile initiatives by leveraging relationships with key cross-functional stakeholders

• Collaborate with cross-functional teams and transformational parties to ensure that the changes required for the agile transformation are implemented

We orchestrate the transformation

You will join our internal Transformation team of 2 colleagues and 10 internal and external agile coaches responsible for orchestrating the agile transformation. Working with Scrum and iterative processes, we enjoy sharing our knowledge and helping each other towards success. We will encourage you to think both logically and creatively, share your ideas, try new things and make a real impact on the way we go forward.

Solid experience with Scrum and agile practices

As a person, you take an analytical approach to problem-solving, and with your strong communication and change management skills, you influence colleagues at all levels of management. Moreover, you identify and recommend process improvements and develop creative and collaborative approaches. And you possess strong relationship management skills enabling you to collaborate with senior management, peers and colleagues.

• You have solid hands-on experience from implementing an agile approach at an enterprise level or alternatively other kinds of major transformation

• You have experience as a Scrum master and/or coach leading multiple software development teams to deliver high-quality software solutions using agile techniques

• You have experience coaching and training individuals and teams in agile concepts and practices (ideally using graphical facilitation)

• You are fluent in English

Bringing it to life

“We cannot think our way into a new way of acting - we need to act our way into a new way of thinking. It is liberating to live our values by being creative, trying new things and learning from mistakes and successes. You can say the LEGO values rhyme with the agile principles, so we are embarking on an iconic journey,” says David Tøttrup, Transformation Lead, Director, Architecture, Value & Transformation.

Join the global LEGO® family

In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you can use your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment. We look forward to receiving your application. Please remember to attach your cover letter and a current CV in English.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact David Tøttrup on +45 2030 8169.

We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and fill the position once we have found the right candidate.

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

source: DK-STAR


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