Arbejde HR Lead Specialist, Group Talent Management unspecified GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4877747
documentId: 4877747
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536745685786
stillingsbetegnelse: HR Lead Specialist, Group Talent Management
What do we offer?
An exciting opportunity to work in the area of Talent Management and Organizational Development, supporting the strategic aims of Grundfos!
Do you thrive in a fast-paced and evolving environment, and bring with you the ability to take on new opportunities and challenges with a sense of urgency, high energy, and enthusiasm? Do you possess the ability and drive to work in the area of Talent Management and Organizational Development? And do you want to work for a company who is part of solving two of the world’s biggest problems namely water scarcity and energy optimization? Then this could be an exciting opportunity for you!
This role is located in Group HR in the Center of Expertise for Organisational Development (CoE-OD). At our Center of Expertise, we respond to prioritised business needs through development and implementation of global concepts, processes and tools with high professional standards within the areas of developing and retaining productive and engaged employees, supporting successful organisational change and performance. You will report to the Global Head of Organisational Development, Hanne Fonnesbæk.
“Grundfos continues our journey of globalisation, growth and change. You will play a key role in ensuring that we have a workforce that works more effectively and productively together, in furtherance of the company strategy,” Hanne says. “You are someone who understand the importance of exceptional user experience and have experience of developing initiatives that are people-focused, helping us to deliver sustainable behaviour change for our organisation, and the individuals within”
What is the job about?
As a Lead HR Specialist, Talent Management, you will work both independently as well as in collaboration with other key stakeholders driving process tracks. You will work in the area of developing / driving concepts and approaches that shape an organizational culture which increases employee engagement and raises organizational performance. You will work as part of a highly collaborative and dynamic team of peers focused on delivering outcomes that support our HR ambition and the strategic direction of the business.
Key tasks for the Lead HR Specialist, Global Talent Management:
- Work with specific conceptual and implementation aspects of succession planning, organisational effectiveness, mentorships, career development, behaviour and other working practices that drive strategy and culture change
- In collaboration with key partners, work on specific initiatives to both leverage the existing processes and introduce relevant tools to sharpen the user connect and organizational applicability
- Support and assist in a variety of projects to advance TM and OD practices within the company
- Collaborate and partner with colleagues/peers on cross-CoE identified initiatives
- Conduct research on best practices, synthesize findings into summaries and recommendations for new TM/OD processes and initiatives
- Help analyse the effectiveness of OD programs/initiatives and work to sustain the momentum of TM/OD initiatives
Who is an ideal candidate?
You have a strong background in Talent Management/Organisational Development either from a global organisation or through working with global organisations in a consulting capacity, combined with associated academic qualifications (Master’s degree or the like).
The ideal candidate has the following competencies and skills:
- Significant specialist knowledge and professional experience within talent management/organisational development
- Understanding emerging trends in this field
- Strong commercial understanding and business acumen
- Ability to balance work that delivers on short-term needs and long-term requirements
- Adapting and responding well to change
- Ability to deal with ambiguity
- Self-driven, consistent performer
- Strong communication and relationship-building skills
- Project management experience
- Interpersonal savviness
- Fluent in both oral and written English – this is a prerequisite
The position is based in Bjerringbro., Denmark. Travelling in this position is expected to be 10-15 days per year.
Additional information
If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Global Head of Organisational Development, Hanne Fonnesbæk on +45 40 11 91 20. If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter today and no later than September 20, 2018 by clicking on “Apply”. We expect interviews to be held on an ongoing basis.
We look forward to hearing from you.
If you want to dig deeper into the Grundfos universe, please visit our Grundfos YouTube Channel here: or on Facebook:
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
source: DK-STAR
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