Arbejde Head of Global Supply Chain - RAC unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4907226
documentId: 4907226
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542627065696
stillingsbetegnelse: Head of Global Supply Chain - RAC
Job Description
Danfoss engineers tomorrow - today. The world is changing fast and as it evolves, customer needs and expectations change rapidly. Megatrends within digitalisation, electrification, urbanisation, climate change and food supply all affect Danfoss and the way we add value to our customers. Privately held, Danfoss employs 27,000 employees worldwide.
As Head of Global Supply Chain for our RAC division (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Controls) you will lead a global team of about 2500 people. You will play a pivotal part in driving our growth strategy and in supporting our ambition of increasing new product development quality and output whilst developing and refining our global supply chain strategy, - having customers and value focused quality performance at the forefront of everything you do.
Danfoss Cooling Segment (DCS) Danfoss Cooling is the leading supplier to the refrigeration and air-conditioning industries. We have a broad product portfolio of systems, solutions and components to service our customers within. Danfoss RAC (Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Controls) produce valves, line components, controls and complete electronic systems developed for air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration, food retail and industrial refrigeration applications. Our valves and switches, alongside other components, provide our customers with energy-saving, precise control fitting just about any need. A broad and deep program of controls for the industrial refrigeration segment, offering clever simplicity, time-saving efficiency and advanced flexibility.
Reporting to:
President, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Controls
Areas of Responsibilities:
- Head of supply chain for RAC and member of RAC Leadership Team
- Global SC organization including planning-, logistics-, operations- and procurement functions organized around 6 factories in China, Denmark (2), India, Mexico and Poland
Key tasks:
- Develop and refine global supply chain strategy to match requirements for servicing the division’s OEM-, whole-/reseller- and contractor customers across 11 regions.
- Key strategic focus areas include make/buy decisions, footprint development (supplier and production) to follow market requirements, capacity adaptations, dual sourcing and cost-out (productivity, logistic flows, engineering etc.)
- Drive and strengthen the supply chain performance metric and -culture funded on customer value creation.
- Drive the introduction of new concepts in supply chain to support speed, transparency as leavers of competitiveness and value creation in the supply chain – i.e. production automation, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Simulation models and usage of Additive Manufacturing (ADM) processes.
- Support as key contributing stakeholder the ambition to increase New Product Development (NPD) quality and output as part of divisional growth strategy
- Continue to drive the customer and value focused quality performance and culture journey.
- Participate in relevant internal/and external fora to the benefit of the Danfoss Group and the RAC division.
- Drive change management through developing and acquiring the right competency skill level
- Minimum requirements to educational background
- Master’s degree in business, Supply Chain, Logistics or Engineering
Requirements to working experience:
- Solid experience in leading global supply chain management, logistics, and purchasing
- Experience from the automotive industry or electronic manufacturing would be preferred
- Track record in global Supply Chain (high mix, low volume/low mix, high volume)
- Knowledge of dual source manufacturing and digitalization to improve quality and reduce complexity
- Proven experience in automation and Industry 4.0
- Experience in driving strong performance in a global matrix environment
- Strong people leadership skills/experience
- Excellent relationship management skills, with the ability to work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders and partners
- Experience in driving change and change management
- some degree of IT literacy and the ability to handle electronic data
- Fluent in English
About you:
- You have a positive mindset and a “go-get” attitude
- Open communication style
- You thrive in a fast-moving environment and not afraid to make bold decisions to solve problems
- You have an analytical, logical and systematic approach with a strong customer centric approach
- You have strong planning skills
- You can think laterally and provide solutions
- You lead with both tenacity and persistency
Preferred location: Europe
Travel requirements: 40-50%
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted.The position will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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