Arbejde Student Assistant for Digital Marketing, Oticon Medical unspecified OTICON A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg3ODczNSA3

reference: 4878735

documentId: 4878735

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1536909870036

Student Assistant for Digital Marketing, Oticon Medical


Are you experienced in executing on web content strategies focusing specifically on SEO and SEM, and in implementing and maintaining SEO on content pages in a corporate WCMS?

Do you thrive when taking part in creating results when it comes to rankings, keyword performance and competitor benchmark? And do you want to develop on these experiences in a Global Marketing environment?

Then you might be a good match for the Digital Marketing Team at Oticon Medical. You will be situated in our headquarter in Smørum - just outside Copenhagen.


Excellent in SEO optimization and content implementation on web

You can look forward to becoming part of the Global Marketing department at Oticon Medical. More specifically you will join the Digital Marketing Team; a dedicated eight-person team responsible for developing, implementing and rolling out KPI driven digital marketing channels and content. The team operates the Oticon Medical website and the social media channels in close cooperation with all Global Marketing groups across our three headquarters (Smørum, Nice and Gothenburg) and an array of business stakeholders and vendors.

Your primary job will be to assist our Web Channel Manager in executing on web content strategies focusing on SEO & SEM, and in implementing and creating SEO on content pages in our corporate WCMS (Sitecore).

Also, you will get to take part in the roll-out of SEO and SEM to all web language versions (15 websites) and the implementation and maintenance of keyword lists, browser abstractJV_titles, meta abstractJV_descriptions, image ALT tags, H1’s etc.

Furthermore, you will support the Web Channel Manager in driving and executing on SEM activities; the creation and implementation of AdWords Campaigns.

On a daily basis you will work in close cooperation with the Web Channel Manager, and we will be responsible for all SEO and SEM activities, and report on the results of our organic and paid efforts.

Your working days will be truly diverse. But summed up you will be working with:

  • SEO & SEM execution
  • Web content development and management
  • Web content strategy


What we would like to see

  • Educational background within digital marketing subjects from your studies
  • Some knowledge of SEO and SEM – it would be great if you already have some hands-on experience with tools like Search Metrics, Google Analytics and Adwords.
  • Preferably, you have web content management experience in Sitecore
  • Experience in working in a digital marketing team/agency is considered an advantage.

Our company language is English and we expect that you English proficiency is fluent in both writing and speaking. We are an international company which means that we look very positive if you already have experience in working across different cultures.

 As a person, you are structured and systematic and never lose track of the tasks or the involved stakeholders – even in periods of pressure where you will balance a great variety of tasks simultaneously. You have an inner drive and love taking part in a team effort.

Finally, yet importantly, your future Global Marketing colleagues cannot wait to benefit from your professional mind-set, humor, and never fading optimism.

Want to join the team? 
Then send your application and CV as soon as possible. We will perform interviews on an ongoing basis and hire as soon as the favorite candidate has been found.

Feel free to contact Director Digital Marketing, Jim Hoffskov, on mobile +45 50419442 for questions to this position.

We look forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: OTICON A/S

source: DK-STAR


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