Arbejde Chip Design Engineer- Roskilde, Denmark unspecified MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4895601
documentId: 4895601
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1540371071510
stillingsbetegnelse: Chip Design Engineer- Roskilde, Denmark
We are looking to hire a Chip Design Engineer to join Mellanox’s Chip Design group.
The work environment is versatile, educational, dynamic and challenging as our employees are currently working on innovative, next-generation networking devices at the forefront of technology in terms of performance and power efficiency. The daily work involves all aspects of chip development: Design, Micro- Architecture, Firmware, and Verification. Work with the best and become one of the best!
The relevant candidate will work on complicated and challenging logic problems, and will take part in developing next generations of Mellanox core technology.
- SC./ M.SC. in Computer Engineering /Electrical Engineering/Communication Engineering
- 0-3 years of proven experience in RTL FrontEnd Asic Design or Verification (Chip Design)
- High Level English
- Knowledge in Specman / C.
- Deep knowledge in HDL (Verilog/VHDL)
Company Description
Mellanox Technologies is a global leader in supplying end-to-end Infiniband and Ethernet interconnect solutions and services for servers and datastorage.
Mellanox currently has approximately 3000 employees and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and Yokneam, Israel.
Mellanox adapters, switches, software and silicon delivers the highest data output and the lowest latency which translates into markedly faster data transfer for applications and significant system optimization.
Almost half of the world’s top 500 fastest supercomputers use Mellanox products.
Read more about Mellanox at:
In 2013 Mellanox Technologies purchased the Danish company IPtronics; a leading fabless designhouse specialized in low-power, high-speed analog integrated circuits for fiber-optic interconnect solutions enabling data rates at 10G, 40G, 100G and 200G with primary focus on large-scale solutions for business. IPtronics’ office is located in Roskilde and is Mellanox’ primary R&D center In Europe. Since the purchase, Mellanox has quadrupled the staff in Roskilde.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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