Arbejde Group Tech Support Engineer unspecified OnRobot A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4869340
documentId: 4869340
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1535370864693
stillingsbetegnelse: Group Tech Support Engineer
Group Tech Support Engineer for robotics End-of-Arm Tooling and applications.
Hands-on support, training and advising
Do you want to be part of building up and developing a new Tech Support Group function in an ambitious and successful, international organization? As Group Tech Support Engineer you will have an important hands-on role ensuring that distributors experience high quality tech support, advise and training. At the same time you will have a unique opportunity to take part in developing and implementing a global, digital training platform, that includes all current and coming products and technologies in the group.
You will become part of the global sales organization, and you will have 4 colleagues in the Group Tech Support function. Your role will be a combination of developing training manuals and curriculums – but also being hands-on in delivering training, support and advise. You will have a very close cooperation with R&D and the regional Tech Support Engineers, that operate locally.
Your main tasks are:
• Technical support and advising colleagues in the regions and distributors – by email, telephone and on-site
• Develop training manuals and hands-on delivery of training, seminars and workshops
• Participate in exhibitions and customer events, and developing application for these events
• Contribute to the development and implementation of a digital/virtual training platform
Your place of work can either be the headquarter in Odense, or in one of the regions. There will be travelling activities connected to this role.
Hands-on experience with robot applications or technical customer support
You have an educational background in a technical field, e.g. in robot technology or other relevant branch of study. In addition, you have built hands-on experience with development and/or support of robots or robot applications.
To have success in this role it is important, that you have a sound technical know-how and that you have experience with technical support, advising and conducting technical training. As a person you are outgoing, service-minded and you are motivated by sharing your knowledge with colleagues and customers. It is equally important, that you are analytical, a talented problem solver and focused on executing and following up on your tasks – in other words, you persist until the problem is solved and the task completed.
You have probably already built experience in an international organization, where the company language is English, and where there is daily communication across countries and cultures.
Unique opportunity in an ambitious ’born global’ organization
You will have a unique opportunity to become part of an exciting growth company, that is a global front runner within robotic applications for Cobots, which has made industrial automation accessible at a much higher scale.
Ambitions are high, and the establishment of a Group Tech Support function is an important step on the way to further growth. You will be on board from the start, and you will have a key role in building a strong, global group function. Furthermore, you will be part of an international workplace with colleagues, that share passion and expertise, and where individual contributions walk hand in hand with team spirit.
Contact Nancy Lohmann at PeopleLink at +45 6610 2015 for further information. Do you want to join this journey? Click here: to send us your application and your CV as soon as possible.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: OnRobot A/S
source: DK-STAR
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