Arbejde Medical Liaison Manager, SMA unspecified BIOGEN (DENMARK) NEW MANUFACTURINGApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg1NzMxMyA3

reference: 4857313

documentId: 4857313

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1532595307606

stillingsbetegnelse: Medical Liaison Manager, SMA


We are currently looking for a Medical Liaison Manager to join our Nordic Medical team! The position can be based at any of our Nordic Affiliates (Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo or Helsinki)

Job Category

Medical Affairs

Requisition Number


Job Description

We are currently looking for a Medical Liaison Manager to join our Nordic Medical team! The position can be based at any of our Nordic Affiliates (Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo or Helsinki)

The Medical Liaison Manager (MLM) establishes, fosters and maintains strategic relationships with Key Medical Experts (KMEs) and exchanges accurate and updated medical / scientific information between KMEs, other investigators and the company's Medical Affairs group. 

The MLM acts as a medical / scientific resource within Biogen, ensuring awareness and understanding of the disease area and Biogen’s products. The MLM provides technical and educational medical support to affiliate functions in relation to SMA disease areas and Biogen product.

You will responsible for the medical-scientific contribution to the regional SMA medical strategy and developing local medical plans. This is an important role regarding all medical scientific topics in the respective cluster/country like; developing medical scientific presentations, one to one discussions with leading SMA experts, understanding the current status and identify opportunities for evolving Standards of care in SMA , facilitating implementation of the national SMA treatment guidelines developing executing medical education activities in collaboration with SMA medical scientific community, understanding the current National SMA disease registries, developing medical scientific projects and quality indicators. 

You should therefore have expertise in and knowledge of therapeutic area, patient-treatment trends, clinical trials and scientific activities within the SMA area and continuously update this expertise and knowledge. The MLM should be able to translate highly complex medical scientific content to tactics and have medical operation expertise /skills or experience in managing complex medical projects. 

This position is 50% field based and can be based out any of our Nordic Affiliates. 

Primary Responsibilities
• Facilitate medical and scientific information exchange with the medical community on SMA and other orphan diseases
• Generate systematically medical insights and provide key learnings to the regional Medical team on regular basis as appropriate
• Develop and Deliver clinical and scientific presentations to regional healthcare audiences aligned with medical education programs
• Facilitating harmonization/improvement of the current national SMA disease registry 

• Support therapeutic experts in developing concepts and protocols for SRAs / IITs / in Biogen scientific area of interest
• Planning, preparation and execution of national SMA Advisory Boards
• Supporting local affiliate approval process of all materials and documents 
• Developing of the country specific medical tactical plan, including implementation of projects
• Providing medical training for local affiliate and medical project support primarily to local affiliate functions like Market Access, PAG management, Marketing
• Be an active member of the regional SMA Medical team and partner in affiliate cross functional team.
• Visiting SMA Leading Experts (also covered by some of the above tasks)

Deadline for applications is Friday 18th May 2018.


• Medical or scientific qualification (M.D., Ph.D. or Pharm.D. preferred).
• At least 5 years’ experience in a medical role in industry
• Matrix management experience with the Regional Office and other key functions in Europe
• Strong customer orientation, science based
• Excellent communication and presentation skills, scientific and non-scientific, throughout all levels and geographies of an organization, in English and a second language
• Ideally, medical/scientific experience in rare diseases 
• Good communicative and organizational skills
• Working knowledge of Regulatory Affairs, Drug Safety, Legal and compliance environment
• Independent team worker
• Flexible mind-set and see changes as mandatory
• Good customer-relations and networking capacities
• Excellent Communication & Interpersonal skills
• Pro-active self-starter
• Willingness to travel as it is a 50% field-based role
• High energy level and able to deal with stress


• Academic, preferably a Medical Physician by education. Pharmaceutical/ Life sciences faculties

Employment Category

Full-Time Regular

Experience Level

Mid-Senior Level

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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