Arbejde Executive Secretary - Danish and French speaking - Part-time – 6-month contract unspecified Dansk-Fransk Handelskammer - jobtilbud
reference: 4987124
documentId: 4987124
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1557491443066
Executive Secretary - Danish and French speaking - Part-time – 6-month contract
Are you pragmatic and systematic? Are you looking for a flexible and short-term job opportunity? Atout France is looking for a part-time Executive Secretary until December 1. So, maybe this is your chance to join a dynamic and dedicated team.
Atout France promotes France as a tourist destination in the Nordics. The office is located in Copenhagen.
The position
You will refer directly to the director. The job primarily consists in assisting the director within the following areas:
- Team management, organization of events, and promotion campaigns
- Preparation and coordination of marketing reports from marketing campaigns at and other external media, compilation of marketing reports
- Continuous case follow-up and update of marketing data
- Diverse administrative tasks
The job requirements
- Danish and French on a good /advanced level, both orally and in written
- Full proficiency in English
- Minimum two years’ experience as assistant or coordinator, preferably in the travel industry or in marketing
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office package
About you
- You are passionate about France and the French culture.
- You have a strong drive, you are engaged and service-minded.
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- You thrive in a role where you work both independently and as part of a team.
We offer
- A part time contract (20 hours a week) until December 1st (maternity cover)
- Flexible working hours
- Join a small and dynamic team!
- Central location in Copenhagen
- Reward package is negotiated after qualifications and experience.
Start: as soon as possible.
The recruiting process will be performed by the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Atout France. We are looking forward to receiving your application. If you are interested, please send your cover letter and CV in Danish or English to recruitment(a) Write ATOUT FRANCE in the subject line.
If you wish to know more about the position you are welcome to contact Christel Décatoire at +45 53 76 42 75. Applications will be processed continuous.
More about Atout France:
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: parttime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Dansk-Fransk Handelskammer
source: DK-STAR
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