Arbejde Audio Signal Processing Specialist unspecified OTICON A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4891302
documentId: 4891302
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539324524260
stillingsbetegnelse: Audio Signal Processing Specialist
Engineers in Denmark have rated Oticon as #1 place to work for - but why is that? We believe it is our innovative work environment. We take part in developing best in class hearing solutions and try to bound the limits of what is possible at all. Oticon is a large, growing company in the medical-technical industry where our +600 engineers are all committed to deliver well-made, high tech solutions for hearing impaired people worldwide.
Join a great team working with high-tech
Would you like to be at the forefront of the latest technology and make a difference for hearing impaired people worldwide? Can you see yourself as part of a team that shapes the future audiological solutions for hearing solutions? Then we might have an exciting career opportunity for you: You will become part of a dedicated and highly skilled team of approx. 20 developers constituting our “DSP Design Team” part of our R&D unit “Audiology and Embedded Solutions”. This team is responsible for developing state of the art signal processing algorithms for our hearing solutions. At the same time, you will be a part of one of the largest and most technical advanced R&D units within the area working with numerous cutting-edge technologies and innovations.
Your contribution
We expect you to hold at least a MSc. in Engineering, preferably within digital signal processing or acoustics. The ideal candidate has at least 5 years of experience working with algorithm design in audio applications.
Additionally, besides your solid core skills within audio signal processing, you feel comfortable working in a dynamic environment. Drive and initiative comes natural to you, as you will be expected to be able to take the lead on algorithm development all the way from requirements, through design and implementation, to audiological maturation and verification of the algorithms. You will furthermore be expected to drive and contribute to idea generation and innovation projects for future algorithms. You are used to a structured way of work, using guidelines and documenting your work.
More specifically, you can prove experience within the following:
• Algorithm development for speech processing, including adaptive beamforming and noise reduction
• Algorithm design and implementation using Matlab
Furthermore, knowledge within some of the following areas is a plus:
• Assessment and understanding of sound quality
• Multi sensor sound pick-up
• Acoustics and psychoacoustics
• Machine learning / neural networks
• Python / C / C++
• SW development including integration and test
• Incremental development
• Test driven development
• Continuous integration
• Source control (Perforce, Git etc.)
• Design for low power applications
• Floating and fixed-point arithmetic
As a person, you thrive working with the entire development process and you are motivated by following your tasks to completion. At the same time, you are a strong team player who puts the team's performance and goals above your own individual views and needs. You have a proactive and dynamic behavior and you work well with seeking out knowledge and information to perform your tasks. You are comfortable working in a multidisciplinary international environment and communicate, argue and present your ideas in a strong and convincing way. We furthermore expect you to be fluent in English.
Make a difference in a great working environment
You will be working in a growing international company, where there is rich opportunity for professional and personal development. You will be part of a dynamic environment built on trust and openness. Your colleagues are looking forward to welcome you to an international team with a high knowledge level and a positive and encouraging work environment. We all strive for an open and supportive way of working where sharing knowledge and ideas are highly valued.
Want to join the team?
Then send your application today, as we are screening applications on a continuous basis. Deadline for applications is 31 October 2018.
If you would like to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact the hiring manager Michael Smed Kristensen via e-mail mskr (at) or phone 6168 2978.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: OTICON A/S
source: DK-STAR
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