Jobs IT-Universitetet i København - jobtilbud

På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra IT-Universitetet i København, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 5 jobtilbud IT-Universitetet i København.

PhD Spring call 2019 -

The IT University of Copenhagen invites highly motivated individuals to apply for a PhD position starting in summer 2019 or soon thereafter. Successful applicants will be employed and enrolled at the IT University for a period of 3 or 4 years depending on the university degree level of the applicant.
IT-Universitetet i København - 2019-02-27 - unspecified

PhD Student positions in game analysis for the project MSG – Making Sense of Games -

The IT University of Copenhagen invites highly motivated individuals to apply for one or more PhD positions in humanistic game analysis starting 31st December 2018 or soon thereafter. The three-year PhD positions are connected to the five-year ERC-funded (AdvG) project MSG – Making Sense of Games,
IT-Universitetet i København - 2018-10-09 - unspecified

PhD positions in the INSIGHT project at the IT University of Copenhagen -

The IT University of Copenhagen invites candidates for a fully funded PhD position funded by the Danish Independent Research Council in the INSIGHT project – “Program Repair with Static Insights”. Automatic bug finding is rapidly becoming a core technology in industrial software development. Large
IT-Universitetet i København - 2018-09-01 - unspecified

Assistant or Associate professorship(s) in Digital Methods approaches to data in organisation, management, or innovation -

Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter
The IT University of Copenhagen invites applications for full-time faculty position at the rank of assistant professor or associate professor in the area of in digital methods approaches to data in organisation,
IT-Universitetet i København - 2016-07-15 - Hovedstaden

Full Professor Call for Game Studies -

Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter
The IT University of Copenhagen invites applications for a full professor position in Game Studies, starting in the spring 2017, or soon thereafter. The new professor is expected to teach and do research
IT-Universitetet i København - 2016-06-22 - Hovedstaden