Arbejde Full Professor Call for Game Studies Hovedstaden IT-Universitetet i København - jobtilbud
The IT University of Copenhagen invites applications for a full professor position in Game Studies, starting in the spring 2017, or soon thereafter. The new professor is expected to teach and do research related to the following research areas:
- Humanistic communication theories applied to games
- Game analysis and humanistic game theory
- Cultural, historical, cross-media, and social aspects of gaming
- Digital art, communication and culture
- Groundbreaking research with high international impact
- Teaching and curriculum development
- Leadership in research and development of research environments
- Ph.D. supervision and guidance of junior faculty
- Developing research collaborations, relationships with key international partners
- Attracting substantial external funding
- Lead a group of researchers
- Contribute with valuable research at the highest international level
- Create a pipeline of external research funding
- Develop education and teaching of the university and in relation to international partners, preparing student for employment
- Initiate and manage trans-disciplinary processes in education and research
- Lead initiatives that engages the IT University in international research networks
- Develop relations to external partners, to business and society at large
Arbejdsgiver Navn: IT-Universitetet i København
Form af kontakt: Tina Balling
Job kort beskrivelse:
Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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