Arbejde We are now seeking a purchaser unspecified BESC, BIRGMA EUROPEAN SERVICE COMPANY ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4910279
documentId: 4910279
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1543318570156
stillingsbetegnelse: We are now seeking a purchaser
Birgma European Service Company Aps is a part of an international purchasing organization; Birgma International SA with headquarters in Switzerland and around 110 employees worldwide.
We are now seeking a
To be stationed in Central Copenhagen.
We are looking for buyers experienced in FMCG- procurement and with a successful track record. Work location will be at our office in Central Copenhagen. Frequent travelling both domestically and internationally in the EU should be expected in order to meet goals in this position. Our core values is simplicity, honestly, probity and flexibility. To succeed in the position we expect that our core values characterize your way of working.
Key activities
- Work for increased profitability in our vendor portfolio and manage commercial relationships with suppliers
- Sourcing & negotiation – qualification of existing and/or new suppliers and products, quotations, price development reporting, claims handling, business terms and conditions negotiation.
- Introduce new suppliers to support product development and meet requirements from the group companies
- Purchase Order Management - Supplier-, product-, claim-, and price data analyses and order follow up
- Maintain supplier and product data in our systems
- Maintain knowledge about market outlook relevant for the business.
- Assisting the General Manager with side projects
Working at Birgma
- Challenging position with impact, independence and responsibility
- Broad exposure towards suppliers and group companies
- A chance to co-shape important purchasing processes and create a good structure
- Opportunity to work on internal development projects and initiatives
- Informal & ambitious work environment with room for your own ideas
- "Hard Fun" - join the transformation journey together with the rest of our great team!
Why we like you
Must have
- You master negotiation and are able to document success in implementing a cross-functional strategy
- You enjoy being in a team and are a true team player with demonstrated success in working within cross-functional and cross-cultural teams.
- You apply a fact-based working approach and demonstrate superior analytical skills
- You are well organized and able to manage numerous parallel tasks
- You maintain a high degree of integrity and are guided by a sound moral and ethical compass
Nice to have
- You have some years' experience in a purchasing function within fast-moving-consumer goods market
- You have relevant purchasing experience within any of the six category areas (construction, car, car care, office, home or Leisure)
We make continuous selection and interviews.
Last date for applying: December 15, 2018
Please upload your application and CV as soon as possible and send to Asif.Din (at)
Selection will be on going and employment may therefore occur before the ad´s end date.
numberOfPosts: 2
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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