Arbejde Logistics Associate unspecified AIRTAME ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg4MDMyOSA3

reference: 4880329

documentId: 4880329

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537347969770

stillingsbetegnelse: Logistics Associate


The role

Airtame is looking for a logistics associate to contribute in advancing the reliability, responsiveness and reach of Airtame’s operations across our main markets. In this junior role, you will examine the quality and efficiency of the logistics chain key activities, and provide feedback to our partners’ conduct development, improvements reviews and process revaluations.

Your tasks

  • Ensure that Airtame keeps healthy stock levels in all of its warehousing locations.
  • Examine the various possibilities to enhance our  logistical services and operations.
  • Provide support to our commercial teams and clients in relation to transport and logistical service matters.
  • Develop creative and constructive ideas, methods and procedures to execute various logistics operations and activities, functionally and effectively.
  • Monitor the transit times and service levels of our transport partners, identify inefficiencies or inadequate service levels/regions and propose adjustments to the standard operating procedures for particular regions.
  • Maintaining the company’s knowledge base wiki on logistics practices and procedural norms.
  • Build standards towards best practices and share learnings across Airtame’s commercial teams.
  • Help provide innovative services to our customers, while improving the efficiency of our operational workload.
  • Report on key operational KPIs such as order fulfilment metrics, inventory turnover, on-time final deliveries, cost/kg of several logistical transactions etc.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management or another relevant area.
  • Experience with Microsoft office, especially Excel.
  • Eager to learn and improve processes.
  • Genuine interest in operations and how the logistics industry works.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Data savvy and detail oriented.

Bonus points

  • Previous customer service experience.
  • Experience with building evaluation process frameworks and change management.
  • Experience with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for planning and budget controlling of logistics activities.


  • Be part of a top-notch startup culture which thrives on learning and having fun and with the ambition to take over the world
  • Flexible work environment
  • Daily catered lunch, drinks, snacks, great coffee, Friday bars
  • Perfect office location in the heart of Copenhagen
  • Foosball, board-games, hackathons, meetups, parties, and many more events

Your application

  • Tell us a little about yourself and why you’re interested in joining the Airtame team.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: AIRTAME ApS

source: DK-STAR


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