Arbejde Technical Project Manager, Operations Concept Support unspecified MHI VESTAS OFFSHORE WIND A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4934133
documentId: 4934133
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548155932416
Technical Project Manager, Operations Concept Support
Combine your technical expertise with your project management experience
Do you have extensive project management experience from construction and/or service operations? Are you a great stakeholder manager, and do you thrive in a role where you will collaborate with various stakeholders?
MHI Vestas wants to do better every day
With +2500 employees in seven different countries, we are one of the leading players in the offshore wind industry. Even if we find ourselves in many different locations, one thing remains the same: We prioritise the team spirit and we value the close connection between our employees. We focus on financially viable and sustainable solutions that benefit future generations. Established in 2014, we are a young, diverse and ambitious organisation with an informal and dynamic environment.
Tasks & responsibilities: You will...
...continuously develop and optimise operational methods and concepts on the turbine platforms and be responsible for identifying and mitigating design risk and potential cost impact to the Operations department. You will ensure that operational aspects are considered in relation to design changes and share solutions and improvements across the department. Furthermore, you will identify and report significant cost implications from design changes and act as subject matter expert when appointed. We expect that you manage and/or execute appointed improvement projects and play a supporting role in new markets entry and product readiness.
Your responsibilities will be within the following areas:
- Operations concept support:
- Manage identification, justification, development and support implementation of improvements
- Product development:
- Participate in technical reviews
- Drive improvements in cooperation with Product Development
- Identify technical issues that influence operational concepts
- Recommend improvements and solutions for new Mk. versions/platforms
- Joint Venture office:
- Ensure that JV tasks fulfil all requirements and follow up on tasks
- Operational documentation:
- Review related documentation
- Provide input to improve operational documentation
- Support to Construction Sales:
- Support with technical information related to MHI Vestas platforms
Skills & experience: Our new colleague...
...has extensive experience with construction and/or service operations and holds a relevant engineering degree. You have excellent project and risk management skills as well as good contractual understanding. You have good communication and interpersonal skills and can explain complex technical matters to various stakeholders. As a person, you are a proactive self-starter, and you thrive in a role where you will work with many different stakeholders.
We expect that you:
- Are flexible and can adapt to changes
- Have a positive mindset
- Are reliable, structured and dedicated
- Have general HSE knowledge
- Are fluent in English and a good user of MS Office and SharePoint
Join us if you...
...would like to work in an international and ambitious company where we work shoulder to shoulder every day to become the global leader in the offshore wind market. You will be part of a dedicated team in an organisation characterised by being ambitious, innovative and professional.
In Operations, we offer you:
- A broad interface with many stakeholders
- A consulting role with influence
- Great colleagues that support each other and work together
- Excellent opportunities for professional and personal development
- The right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions
- The opportunity to develop and implement the best lean processes
Apply now
We're already looking forward to hearing from you. In case you have questions about the position, please contact Head of Operations Concept Support, Jakob Pedersen, on +45 2723 0635. Your primary work location will be Aarhus, Denmark, and you should expect 40-60 travel days per year. Please note that applications are handled on an ongoing basis. So, please send your application and CV as soon as possible using the link on this page. We treat all inquiries confidentially.
Established in April 2014, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Vestas Wind Systems A/S. Our vision is to be a leading player in the offshore industry by co-developing offshore wind as a financially viable and sustainable energy source to benefit future generations. An international organisation with +2500 employees and HQ in Aarhus, Denmark, we also have offices in the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Taiwan and Japan.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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