Arbejde Product Owner for Data Management unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxMTU2MSA3

reference: 4911561

documentId: 4911561

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543411571653

stillingsbetegnelse: Product Owner for Data Management


Product Owner for Data Management

We are on a journey to become more data- and insights-driven on a global scale. Do you have the skills to get us there and ensure optimal data governance and operations on the way? Try out your talent alongside experienced and skilled professionals at the heart of data management.

Join Data Management

The LEGO Group Data Management team in Billund is responsible for guiding our many business areas towards becoming more data- and insights-driven through championing data as a strategical asset.

As the Product Owner in our team, you will be the catalyst for driving engagement with other business units and converting business requirements into user stories and tasks. As such, you will enable the Data Management team to deliver great data services according to business expectations.

You will likewise drive key data management projects and initiatives to ensure continuous process development and adherence. Working as both a product owner and data manager, you will secure high data stewardship and data governance as you:

• Own and manage team backlog to make sure it reflects the right priorities and that the content is well-defined

• Gather end user requirements and bridge relevant business/data teams to make sure that the team backlog reflects dependencies

• Help facilitate planning and prioritisation of the work being completed while considering the various interests early on

• Facilitate data stewardship together with local data stewards in the business

• Facilitate data management activities in specific projects such as requirements engineering and documentation of data sources and data governance

Supporting the problem-solving of business needs

Our need for more efficient data management to support data- and insights-driven decision-making is growing rapidly. To keep us ahead, we have built a new team with a lot of top leadership attention, which you will become a central part of.

Curious and holistic with a great passion for learning and networking

With your knowledge of agile working methods, you are easily able to develop agile skills within a new team, run ceremonies and identify potential process improvements.

With your sound facilitation skills, you are comfortable with working both hands-on to deliver data and hands-off through project leadership. Furthermore, you have the ability to help build a larger understanding of the strategical asset that data represents through great stakeholder management and communication skills.

You also have:

- 3+ years’ experience as a product owner, agile project manager or the like or, alternatively, 3+ years’ experience with data stewardship and data governance – experience with both product ownership and data management would be a great plus

- A bachelor’s or master’s degree within business, data science or the like

- Preferably, experience with business intelligence and working with SAP HANA and/or Hadoop/Cloudera, Atlassian Jira and Confluence

- Solid communication skills in English

A job opportunity with potential to grow

“Our team is getting a lot of focus and attention from top management, so we are expecting to grow a lot in the next few years. This means that you could eventually become a fully dedicated product owner or data manager – depending on opportunity and your wishes,” says Head of Data Management Henrik Overballe.

Join the global LEGO® family

In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you can use your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment. We look forward to receiving your application. Please remember to attach your cover letter and a current CV in English.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Henrik Overballe, Head of Data Management, on +45 52 15 93 01.

We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and fill the position once we have found the right candidate.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

source: DK-STAR


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