Arbejde Specialist for 3D metrology unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4921926
documentId: 4921926
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1545315184253
stillingsbetegnelse: Specialist for 3D metrology
Specialist for 3D metrology
In Billund works a highly experienced team with a great responsibility. Through metrology, we make sure that each LEGO® brick is precisely shaped, allowing you to build using thousands of bricks and have them all fit each other like a glove. Are you ready to contribute with your 3D metrology skills?
Secure high-precision moulding
In our Element Qualification function in Billund, you will join a global team of 11 colleagues, including 3 fellow metrology technicians and other specialists. Together, we are dedicated to securing the quality of the elements produced with our moulds, prior to their release to our global production sites.
Working from Billund, you will develop and run programs on our 2 ZEISS CMM machines in CALYPSO for our local and global quality departments at LEGO. You will also:
• Participate as both operator and programmer in global projects
• Interpret and challenge specifications and drawings to carry out measurement tasks
• Deliver results to quality departments and other stakeholders and support them in understanding methods and results
• Support colleagues globally with metrology issues and, if needed, supply training from your own competence area
• Participate in cross-departmental projects to optimise processes and systems
Be a guardian of quality
Having vital metrology knowledge that can ensure the perfect fit between our many different bricks, we encourage you to share it with us.
3D metrology expert with a knack for creativity
Quality, a willingness to learn and attention to details are key words to you, and you thrive working with others to achieve the best results – together. You are curious by nature and driven to improve your daily tasks every single day, challenging your own knowledge and the processes around you on the way.
Moreover, you are comfortable with making crucial decisions on a daily basis and planning your own daily work, and you have:
• Great knowledge of metrology, including 3D CMM and measuring equipment, gained either through an education or experience as metrologist, calibration technician, toolmaker, quality controller, CNC programmer, industrial engineer or the like
• The ability to interpret technical drawings, taking measurements of inserts as well as developing and interpreting technical reports
• Fluent communication skills in Danish and English, allowing you to communicate with the global team and other LEGO® divisions
• The ability to travel up to 15 days per year
• Preferably, experience working with lean – though it is not a prerequisite
Bringing it to life
“What we do here is vital to making sure that any customer that buys a LEGO product can be sure that all bricks fit perfectly with each other. So, this is a place where there is room for ideas and challenging our processes to push the limits of quality even higher,” says Senior Manager Christel Udbye.
Join the global LEGO® family
In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you can use your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment. We look forward to receiving your application. Please remember to attach your cover letter and a current CV in English.
If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Senior Manager Christel Udbye on +45 79 50 78 20.
We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and fill the position once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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