Arbejde Test Architect unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNzIyOSA3

reference: 4907229

documentId: 4907229

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542627065306

stillingsbetegnelse: Test Architect


(Location: Nordborg or Vejle (Denmark) or Hamburg (Germany))

Job Description

Are you an expert in automation, regression and end to end testing? If yes, then you might be the Test Architect that we are looking for in Danfoss Cooling. We are looking for a test-driven development mindset with strong focus on execution.

Danfoss Cooling is the leading supplier to the refrigeration and air-conditioning industries. We have a broad product technology portfolio (e.g. electronic controls for automation, smart sensors, world’s first magnetic bearing compressors, high-pressure pumps for reverse osmosis, heat recovery solutions, energy storage, grid applications, and remote data monitoring services), serving customers along the cold chain within commercial refrigeration, air-conditioning and industrial refrigeration, as well as food retail. 
You will be part of Danfoss Cooling Segment Platform Architecture, currently consisting of 20 team members located in Denmark, India and USA. The position is preferred located in Nordborg or Vejle, Denmark or in Hamburg, Germany and entails up to 20 travel days per year. You will report to the Director for Platform Architecture.
Up to date on best in class verification and validation methodologies 
As our new Test Architect, you will get the opportunity to be part of supporting
Danfoss in expanding best in class verification and validation methodology towards next steps in productivity and time to market for development of electronic solutions.
Your key responsibilities will be to:

  • Define the verification and validation methodology covering model in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop
  • Select and implement appropriate tools and deploy them across several business segments
  • Ensure fact-based quality governance by providing metrics to the R&D leadership teamTest manufacturing, cloud and UI 

Experienced system tester in Software, Hardware and Mechatronics
You hold a Bachelor’s or preferably a Master’s degree in Computer Science or similar. Furthermore, you have several years of experience in adapting latest verification and validation methods (cloud microservices, unit testing (UI), integration testing, system testing, etc.) into organizations and you probably have relevant certifications. You are used to work with virtualization techniques, and you also have solid experience with preventive analysis in product development. You are able to come up with proposal for what management-based metrics we should use to measure quality in electronics. Finally, we expect you to have solid skills in English, both verbally and in writing.

As a person you have excellent communication and interpersonal skills in order to build credibility and engage stakeholders at all levels. With your solid analytical skills, you can secure the foundation of quality. You are used to working independently in a dynamic environment with many deadlines to be met. You have a positive and open-minded attitude and you are a good team player.
For further information about the position,
please contact Brian Espersen Riemer, Director Platform Architecture on +45 2041 9529. 

Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted.The job ad will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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