Arbejde Software Developer with a focus on tests and CI Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer with a focus on tests and CI

Are you a skilled software engineer or electronics technician with deep knowledge of tests and CI? Would you like to support software development projects of great importance to Grundfos? And are you ready to take a hands-on and practical approach to automated test set-ups in a global development team, where you get to work with state-of-the-art automatisation tests in software? Then join the High Volume Pumps Software department. We are a global, virtual department consisting of 12 highly qualified Danish and Chinese software developers, who are responsible for delivering firmware for our high volume pumps. We develop embedded application software for products, and we work in SCRUM teams. Reliability and on-time delivery is crucial, and here you play a key role in ensuring high uptime for the automated test equipment and build servers. In the department, you support the SCRUM teams in accomplishing each sprint goal, which requires a focus on automated tests. You refer to Manager Martin Byskov Skafsgaard. “You will provide support across the entire team, and you will work particularly close with a test responsible located in China. As a team, we like to have fun while we work – without losing focus and while keeping a high team spirit,” Martin explains. What is the job about? As a software developer, your primary responsibility is to ensure high uptime for the test equipment and build servers, which are used by a software team with a platform mind-set. You do so by proactively ensuring that all systems are running smoothly. We have a fanatic focus on quality, and you play a key role in ensuring the quality of the embedded software deliveries for our high volume products through a strong test environment. The Grundfos Automated Test Environment (GATE) is an important part of our Continuous Integration (CI) workflow, and your areas of responsibility will primarily be the physical testbeds, including the periphery (PLC, power supply, sensors, valves, etc.) and the build servers. Here, you will co-ordinate with your colleagues, who are responsible for tests across the software development organisation, to ensure alignment. “Your challenge will be to secure high uptime and short build time and in this way contribute to creating a great development environment for the software developers in Denmark and China. In turn, you can contribute with your good ideas to how the daily work is organised in an agile development framework,” Martin says. What do you need to apply? You have an education within electronics or software engineering paired with 3-5 years of experience. In addition, you have experience with build servers. Experience within Beckhoff PLC, SeqZap or TDD is a plus, but not a prerequisite. It is essential, however, that you have worked hands-on and taken a practical approach to automated test set-ups. And as we are a global organisation, you must be able to communicate effortlessly in English. “As a person, you are quality-focused and proactive, and as such think about where problems may arise before they arise. You have a test-driven mind-set and take ownership of your tasks. Lastly, you thrive in a virtual, international team, where software deliveries are developed through teamwork with clear goals,” Martin finishes.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400

Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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