Arbejde Strategic Purchaser - Spare Parts, Global Sourcing-140001G8 Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud
Strategic Purchaser - Spare Parts, Global Sourcing-140001G8
Vestas Wind Systems A/S - Global Sourcing - Spare Parts Sourcing Vestas Market Sourcing is a newly established organization designed to support the Vestas Sales Business Units and their End Customers. Our strategic objective is to build a competitive advantage for Vestas in growing Service Business and making it even more powerful in the coming years. Given the dynamics of the after-market and our dedicated wish to claim leadership in that market you will join a fast paced environment with a strong growth potential. Spare Parts Sourcing Department is a vital player in making this happen. We are therefore in the process of building a strong global team. The goal of this team is to deliver world class sourcing and category management strategy driving cost, quality and on time delivery. As a part of this team we are now looking for a dynamic and ambitious Strategic Purchaser, who has the skills, passion, energy and drive to contribute to this vision. Responsibilities: You will have the opportunity to manage your own categories and your main tasks will be to: •Participate in the creation of a global category strategy for your products and strategic plans for your supply base including supply base reengineering and new suppliers introduction. •Ensure that your suppliers support the KPI's set by Vestas in regards to cost, delivery, quality and safety. •Work across different business units within Vestas and ensure that Service requirements are reflected and addressed in the overall category strategy. •Drive continuous improvement programs at the suppliers within your categories with special focus on cost saving initiatives. •Lead negotiations either directly with suppliers or in alignemnt with Global Sourcing team •Identify new suppliers and materials in order to exceed cost reduction targets •Participate in projects, representing the Sourcing function •Drive and support the efforts carried out by Regional Sourcing in relation to your categories •Maintain a global overview whilst ensuring optimum local conditions •Foster a cost focused mindset inside Vestas Qualifications: •Well documented results with strategic purchasing with a special focus on cost optimization •A higher educational background in Engineering or Business Administration/Commerce, in the latter case with a good technical insight and interest •Strong negotiation skills •Good market research and analytical skills •Cross cultural global and regional understanding that facilitates a good cooperation with international colleagues •Dynamic, proactive and strong self-driven attitude to your daily work •Fact based and structured approach to your tasks •Team player with good interpersonal communication skills •Fluent in both spoken and written English. What we offer: We offer you an exciting and challenging job with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development within the leading company in wind energy. You will be provided with a unique opportunity to set your foot prints within an essential area in Vestas. You will be an integral part of an international team, with a ‘can-do’ attitude and who are keen to make a difference Additional information: Work location willl be Aarhus - Denmark. You must expect traveling up to 30 days annually. WIND. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US. By joining Vestas, you join the only global energy company dedicated 100% to wind energy. Together with our customers, we have installed more than 51.000 turbines in over 70 countries, and we remain committed to increase that number via our superior, cost-effective wind technologies, products and services. Since Vestas was founded in 1979, Vestas has achieved a market-leading position with more than 60 GW of installed wind turbines or around 19% of total global capacity. Every day, everyone at Vestas works to make Vestas the undisputed global wind leader and the world’s energy mix more sustainable – join us, and be part of ensuring a sustainable f
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for miljø
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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