Arbejde Software Developer, SDK team unspecified MILESTONE SYSTEMS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4908683
documentId: 4908683
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542807371480
stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer, SDK team
Become a member of a no-nonsense team that delivers an industry praised SDK for our surveillance system, enabling our partners to develop advanced extensions and integrations on top of our software. You will take active part in the life of a Scrum team, where all team members are joining forces, giving their best to deliver high quality software. As a Scrum team member, you are a part of the full development cycle from design, development and testing.
The role:
- Design, code, unit test and document as part of the agile development team.
- Think quality and testability into code.
- Be a team player that embraces both test as well as development tasks.
- Work together with and develop junior team members.
- Respond to customer input and evaluate risk and cost of bug fixes.
Your experience and qualifications:
- B.Sc. required, M.Sc. or equivalent preferred.
- 2+ years of relevant work experience.
- Know C# and .NET: The more the better.
- Be familiar with WCF, network technology and protocols and be comfortable with the client-server architecture.
- Have good English skills in writing and speaking.
- Familiar with ideas and mind-set of working Agile and in a Scrum environment.
- Experience with manual and automated test.
- Experience with Visual Studio and TFS.
The team: SDK & APIs is a feature delivery team in R&D which is responsible for delivering components and interfaces that enable our partners and end customers to not only integrate with, but also extend the XProtect products. In addition to this we also communicate a lot with partners (primarily in writing) to help them in their integration efforts.
We will be nine members who in collaboration with a Product Owner delivers features for our SDK and core products. We are a team consisting of professionals in the different areas required to develop, maintain and support a top-class SDK, but at the same time collaborates on all tasks to provide the best product experience. We believe in an open culture, where everyone feels ownership of not only their own area of responsibility, but also of the success and well-being of the team.
Milestone Systems is a great place to work
We offer an exciting and challenging job at the leading provider of open platform video management software. As a Milestone employee, you are the source to our success and you will be part of an international dynamic organization in rapid growth. We are a young organization that prioritizes a good social environment and the welfare of our employees highly. We cherish an informal tone where the door to management is always open.
If you want to take on this exciting challenge and become a part of our fast growing technology company in Brøndby, submit your application incl. CV in English.
Apply now and become part of the interviews that we conduct on an ongoing basis.
If you have any questions for the position, please contact Engineering Manager, Peter Posselt Vergmann at ppv (at) or visit our website: ;
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: MILESTONE SYSTEMS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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