Arbejde Software Developer for Appliances unspecified MILESTONE SYSTEMS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4899215
documentId: 4899215
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541072173210
stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer for Appliances
Are you a jack of all trades in the world of software development?
Be on a winning team
At Milestone it’s all about freedom to innovate on the open platform. Milestone Systems is the global market leader for IP video surveillance software. We are a pioneer of true open platform IP video management software, independent of hardware manufacturers, and supporting the widest choice in software devices. Now combining our software with our own hardware for the best user experience. This is the perfect job if you want to juggle all your talents as a developer within a team where we value work-life balance and an open environment, that allows different opinions to be heard.
Production and integration of software with hardware
As a developer in Software to Appliances you will be responsible for development of software embedded in our hardware products and into our production. It is paramount that you enjoy working in a team with multiple tasks involving many internal stakeholders. You will be working on current main projects and new products and be part of scoping and defining the next platform projects. To succeed in the job, you need to demonstrate a high level of technological perspective on developing and optimizing not only our Milestone Husky NVRs, but also the production of those. You will be an active contributor to the development team, providing new ideas and solutions on software development and problem solving, while making sure that manufacturing and maintainability is taken into account in the software development.
Tasks include, but not limited to,
• Involvement in all aspects of the application development life cycle, from idea, development, QA, documentation, implementation and release. In addition to being involved in requirements for new hardware products.
• Development, maintenance, troubleshooting and improving existing and new network video recorders and production tools.
Agility and cross-team collaboration
In the Appliances team, we are responsible for developing our hardware products and the manufacturing of those. The team is working agile with principles from scrum and interacts with other teams within the organization as well as external teams such as those of our manufacturer. To match the team, we expect you to be quality-driven and capable of making difficult technical dictions and trade-offs. Besides your hard-core skills, it is important for us to have a good working environment where everyone enjoys working together.
The bar is set high!
You need to have a Master or Bachelor´s degree within computer science (or equivalent) and 3-8 years of professional experience with software development. We also expect you to have experience with desktop and server application development, threading and networks to succeed. You like to work with technologies such as C#, WCF, WPF, MVVM, unit testing, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection. Furthermore, you are not afraid to develop in C++ and get closer to the hardware when needed. We expect you to be curious and learn fast. Experience with appliances and production will be an advantage but not a requirement. Ability to communicate fluently in English, verbally as well as in writing, is a requirement.
Milestone is a great place to work
We offer you an exciting and challenging job in the leading VMS Company. You will be part of a team of professional, talented colleagues and you will have the opportunity to shape your job role. As a Milestone employee, you are the source to our success and you will be part of an international dynamic organization in rapid growth. We are a young organization that prioritizes a good social environment and the welfare of our employees highly. We cherish an informal tone where the door to management is always open. For more information, please visit our web site: We look forward to receiving your application written in English. All candidates must be eligible to work in Denmark in order to be considered. Submit by clicking the Apply button below. Be prepared for a thorough recruitment process where we make sure that you have the right level of competencies and where we aim to secure, that you will be able to thrive in our Milestone culture. If you have any questions for the position, please contact Engineering Manager, Appliances, Hans Olsen at telephone +45 25529320 or HOL (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: MILESTONE SYSTEMS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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