Arbejde Senior Load Engineer Offshore Structures unspecified Vattenfall A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2MTgzMiA3

reference: 4861832

documentId: 4861832

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1533715759070

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Load Engineer Offshore Structures


Vattenfall is one of Europe`s largest electricity generators and producers of heat. We operate in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Our strategy is to reduce emissions from power generation with a road map aiming at achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
Do you want to shape the future?
For our Engineering Load department within Business Area Wind, we are looking for a Senior Load Engineer for Offshore Structures to manage all kind of Load Calculations for Offshore wind farms.  

Your job

As our Senior Load Engineer for Offshore Structures you will be responsible for delivering the centrepiece of the future offshore wind farm together with the existing team of Load and Control Engineers. You will be in charge of providing highly competent, helpful and dedicated answers to in- and external stakeholders. You will be responsible for the load-related project management to ensure load-related tasks are channelled in an efficient manner to provide solutions to all internal customers. 

The load department is focussed on providing loads and load related services to the entire organization. It is the central point for all questions concerning loads for all different kind of windfarm elements and projects in all different kind of phases and especially for our future offshore windfarms.

 Furthermore, the following main responsibilities will be a central part of your new job: 

• Tool development for data analyses
• Support the existing team in simulation model development, improvement and validation
• Project management regarding load related tasks
• Interface handling to internal offshore wind projects
• Steer, handle and control external sub-contractors for load related tasks
• Provide load related answers to internal stakeholders / customers in close alignment and cooperation with the existing load team
• Trouble shooting
• Communicate with project and line management on progress and issues 

Your profile:

You have a positive mindset? Are pragmatic and solution oriented? Are a technical and open minded team-player with a structured way of working? Still capable of maintaining the helicopter perspective and be efficient in your communications? You have an engineering background or similar, preferably with a project management education on top? You have an innovative mind-set and can see yourself working in an environment where we value entrepreneurship, the pragmatic approach and helpfulness in our daily work. You work self-dependent while sharing and seeking knowledge in the team. You show initiative and have a flexible approach to your work. You possess good interpersonal skills and can communicate technical sensitive topics in a clear and constructive way both internally and to external partners. In addition, the following qualifications are important for this position:

• Engineering background or similar
• More than 5 years experience in calculating offshore constructions, preferably wind turbines
• Basic knowledge and interest in
o load simulations
o aerodynamics
o structural dynamics
o controllers
o validation based on measurements
o software development
o data analysis and handling
o HAWC2, Python
• Project management experience
• Experience with large complex projects
• Experience from the offshore wind industry
• You are fluent in English, both in speech and writing Our offer:
Good remuneration, a challenging and international work environment, and the possibility to work with some of the best in the field. You will be working in interdisciplinary teams and you can always count on support from committed colleagues. We offer attractive employment conditions and opportunities for personal and professional development.
Kolding in Denmark, but occasional travel within northern Europe should be expected.
More information:
For more information about the recruitment process contact Senior Recruiter Jette Ingeberg on + 45 22 57 07 51.
We welcome your application in English, including CV and cover letter via the application button at this page.
The position is advertised on several jobsites where different regulations apply. Thus there is no time limit on the advertisement; instead we will remove it once the position has been occupied.
We look forward to receiving your application!
At Vattenfall we are convinced that striving for diversity helps building a more profitable, efficient and attractive company. Therefore we seek a harmonious balance of employees in terms of gender, age and ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Energy is our contribution to quality of life – day after day. With around 20.000 colleagues, Vattenfall provides comprehensive electricity and heating offerings to several million customers in Northern Europe. For the work ahead we need people who are fully dedicated to our customers and to sustainable society – people like you.
Our organization:
BA Wind is responsible for the development, construction and operation of wind power. We manage the maintenance, operation and continuous improvement of wind generation assets, safely and with the highest levels of availability and profitability.
We carry out the sourcing and development of wind projects as well as having the full responsibility for wind project execution. We also perform the structuring and execution of project partnerships in accordance with overall wind strategy.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vattenfall A/S

source: DK-STAR


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